Eyes Au (Analogical)

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Virgil sighed and looked at his eyes. His left eye was grey, a dull, boring grey. His right eye was a light blue. The two contrasted perfectly, yet he didn't mind. He just wished to know who held the left blue eye. It was difficult to keep your head down, and cover your right eye, especially when everyone wanted to see it. Virgil hated having any attention on him.

He covered his right eye, and made his way to school, his headphones covering his ears, the way they normally would. He kept his head down, and eyes half lidded.

As he walked to his locker, he crashed into a male he'd seen a few times around the school. They both fell to the floor, and anything either of them had been holding lay scattered across the floor, Virgil's hair had been pushed away from his eyes, and as he looked up, he gasped.

The male in front of him had the same eyes as him. However his left was blue, the same blue, and his right was the dull boring grey. However it suited him. "You. You're my soulmate..." he muttered. The male in front of him looked at him and nodded. "I suppose I am."

Virgil helped him collect his things, and looked at his name on one of the pieces of paper. Logan.

"Well, Logan, I hope to talk to you soon..."

"Yeah. Sure."

They exchanged numbers, and went on their way to class.


They occasionally spoke over text, however the idea of them being soulmates was still unusual to them, and they found it slightly awkward to talk.

Logan Virgil



Are you busy later?

I am not. Why?

Would you like to meet me for coffee?

I would like that.

Great. 6 work for you?

Yes. It does. I shall see you then?

You shall.


6pm came around rather quickly, and Virgil found himself growing increasingly anxious.

He made his way to the cafe, and saw Logan sat alone at one of the tables. "Hey." He spoke as he reached the table. "Did you order yet?"

"I did not. I was waiting for you. I can go and order if you wish?"

"Um... sure."

"What would you like?"

"Surprise me." Virgil smiled and sat himself at the table Logan had selected.

He tapped his fingers against his leg, waiting for Logan to return.

Shortly after, he returned, holding two mugs of steaming coffee beverages. "What did you pick for me?"

"A latte. I apologise if you do not enjoy it."

"Are you kidding? I love lattes."

"You do? Oh, that is great!" Logan let out a sigh of relief. Virgil sent him a small smile, and the two talked and drank their coffees, they stayed for hours just talking, and by the end, they wondered why it was so awkward between them to begin with.

Virgil walked Logan home. "I had a great time." Virgil murmured as they stood outside Logan's house.

"As did I." Their gazes met, and it felt as though time stopped. Logan's eyes flicked down to Virgil's lips, then back up to his eyes, asking for permission. Virgil nodded and their lips met, moving together perfectly. Virgil's arms wrapped around Logan's waist, and Logan's arms draped around Virgil's shoulders. They stayed that way for a while, only parting to breathe.

"Can we do this again? The date I mean. Although I would not be opposed to kissing you again. It was enjoyable."

"I'd love to do both." Virgil spoke, and pressed a brief kiss to Logan's lips, before watching him go up to the front door. "Oh, Logan?" Virgil called.


"Be my boyfriend?"

"I would love to!"

Virgil smiled and watched Logan shut the front door behind him, before he walked home.


Both males fell asleep happy that night, and they couldn't wait to go on another date.

648 words

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