Existential Crisis? (Analogical?)

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WARNING: Read at your own risk, I don't want to be responsible for breaking one of you. I don't know why this happened, it just did.



"Everything is made to be broken" - Iris ~ Goo Goo Dolls

"If it's meant to be broken, then we are all just little pieces floating around, that someone decided to figure out how to assemble, and then that means glue is the meaning of life. But If glue is the meaning of life, then some people's glue isn't as strong as others, and that's why they're so broken anyway, and maybe when we get ourselves down, it's because our soulmates glue broke slightly, and they lost some of their self. So then we're using glue the wrong way. We can replace things, and it may not be the same, but they're replaceable, maybe glue is meant to be used on ourselves to we can keep things going and we stay together. Because glue is more than what we credit it. And maybe we just aren't mean to be whole, we're supposed to have bits floating around that can be glued to other people, and that's how you know you impact the world. And maybe, it's the people's parts we collected from them that we miss, and that's why we miss them. We miss having the rest of them around, and putting them back together, we miss the parts of them that we gained. And people miss the old them, because they gave so much to other's that they have none of them left, and they are built up of everyone else, so they hate what they became because they didn't care for their own parts, and they lost it. Maybe when people walk away, when they hurt you, they take more of you with them, but if you cross paths again, and you talk and get to know them better, you get some of yourself back. Or maybe, you don't and you end up with someone else, whilst they end up with them back. Maybe people make themselves hurt so that they know they're still them, and there's still part of them left. And the saying "You don't know me" is accurate, because nobody really knows themselves. So no one can know you, because you don't know you. And you can't say you're okay, because part of you will never be okay, because it's not you. And when you're indecisive, it's because there's these other parts that aren't you, trying to change you to be them. Your mood shifts so often, because the other parts want you to feel what they feel. Maybe it's other people's insecurities that make you insecure about yourself, even though there's nothing to really be insecure about. And it's when we have those weird dark thoughts that we realise we have someone else as a part of us, because they are obviously supposed to be dark, and we gained some of their darkness, when we're light. Because if we're happy and fluffy, and then get these dark thoughts, that's obviously not us, so it must be someone else as a part of us, someone who we helped out of the dark slightly, and gained some of them as a part of our self. We don't want the world to see us as we are with everyone else as a part of us, so we put on a mask, and we act the way we think people would want us to, so when we're alone and everything changes, maybe it's the other parts coming at us, and making us question whether we are who we are, and no one really knows you for you, not even you."

Logan stared at his boyfriend who had been laying on the floor of his bedroom, babbling for over 15 minutes, and felt a weird feeling, making him sink to the floor, and pull his knees to his chest. What if Virgil was right?

633 words

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Take care

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