Crown... Pt 2 (Analogical)

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T.W. Minor panic attack.

Logan looked back at the bed, and saw his boyfriend curled up, dried tears down his cheeks, streaked with his eye shadow. He walked over to the bed, and the dip in the mattress caused Virgil to stir.

"Lo...?" He murmured, gaze turning to focus on his boyfriend, who pulled him onto his lap, hands wrapped around his waist, holding him in a strong grip, a reassurance of love, and care. Virgil buried his head in Logan's shoulder, and bit his lip, in an attempt not to cry.

"Love?" In response, Virgil let out a small whimper, clearly afraid of being shouted at, for whatever reason. "What happened?" Logan's voice was soft and gentle, hoping to allow his romantic companion to open up to him.

"He's going to hate me."




"I took your advice and spoke to him, he didn't seem too thrilled about what i had to say."

"What did you say?"

"I told him about how his jokes seemed to only make me feel worse, and I apologised, and I knew he was trying to help me, but I... I tried to be kind, and not too harsh, but he... He got upset with me, and I'm pretty sure he hates me."

"He does not hate you. It is highly improbable that he does, based on recent observations of his behaviour, he is more than likely attracted to you romantically, over hating you."

"Logan, you didn't see the pain in his eyes. The way he looked at me... He broke a little the more I was around... He won't ever want to be around me."

"Did you, by any chance, ustilise the word 'friend'?"

"Well, yeah..."

"That is most likely the reasoning behind his sadness."

"But I..."

"I know, you did not mean to, which is why you need ought give him space, and talk to him when he has had time to 'collect' himself, figuratively, of course."

Virgil sighed, and buried his face back in his boyfriend's shoulder, after having removed it to maintain a conversation. Virgil, despite his boyfriend's comforting grip, was still worried about Patton or Roman going to him and shouting at him.

He was so consumed by his thoughts that he hadn't realised his heart rate had elevated, or that his breathing had become laboured. It was only when he heard his romantic companion's voice in his ear that he realised what had happened.

"Sorry." He muttered, not wanting to be shouted at.

"You did nothing wrong."

"I..." Logan watched his boyfriend sadly, and felt a pang of sorrow, knowing that Virgil was going through a tough time, and Logan didn't know how to help, but he knew pulling Patton away from Roman would be equally unfair, since Roman had no one other than Patton.

"Love, it is not your fault, you are Thomas' anxiety, and on top of that, you suffer with your own anxiety, which leads to many attacks, and other mental health complications. It is only natural, it is not your fault that you deal with these things."

Virgil hummed in response, and buried himself further into Logan, and it didn't take long for Logan to realise that Virgil had fallen asleep.

Carefully, he lay Virgil down on the bed, and wrote a small note, allowing Virgil the knowledge of where he had gone, should he wake up.

Once he was sure Virgil was alright, he made his way to Roman's room, where he knocked, and, after being given permission to come in, found both Roman and Patton laying on the former's bed.

"Roman, are you alright?"

"Yeah... I guess so."

"He had no malice in his words, you do realise that, correct?"

"I know, it just hurts. I wanted him to feel the same, I should have realised, you two spend hours at a time together, and I never see him without you. I was consumed with the fantasy I wanted, I didn't see the reality. I'm sorry if I caused any issues."

"A minor panic attack, but Virgil is fine, he's resting."

"I'm sorry."

"So is he." Logan sent Roman a small smile, and walked out, heading back to his room, only to be stopped half way by Patton.

Logan turned to the trait who grabbed his wrist, and didn't have time to register what happened, as he felt a pair of lips on his own. His eyes remained open, due to shock, and fear. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a figure approach, and the flash of a camera.

Logan pushed Patton off, and turned to find Virgil and Roman stood behind him. Roman being the one to have taken the photo, whilst Virgil stood there in shock.


"Virgil, please..."

Virgil turned off and ran, leaving a dumbfounded Logan, and a snickering Patton and Roman.

Snapping out of his daze, he whirled around to the snickering duo, and glared. "How dare you?" Venom dripping from his words, before he spun around and followed in the direction his boyfriend had gone.

839 words

Please don't hate me!

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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