Immature (Moxiety)

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"You're so immature."

Virgil's words echoed around Patton's head. It didn't help that he was already feeling bad, his boyfriend had to go and insult him. Patton knew he wasn't as smart as Logan or creative as Roman. But he contributed just as much. He was older than them all, and he acted like it.


Over the following few days, he put up an act, pretending he was fine. Logan and Roman sensed something was off, but they couldn't figure it out, not until Virgil showed up.

Patton's facade got worse. He'd pretend to be more "proper" and he'd ignore a lot of what Virgil said.

Inside, Patton was breaking, and he felt worse not having his boyfriend to go to. And he knew it was his own fault.


Patton's depression got worse, he couldn't talk to any of them, and he cried himself to sleep every night.


Soon enough, Patton ducked (quack) out, he couldn't take it.


Virgil sighed as Thomas did yet another stupid thing. What the heck was wrong with him?

Virgil mentally facepalmed as he realised what happened. He sunk into the mind, not saying anything to Logan and Roman, and bolted to Patton's door.

"Patton open up." He banged on the door, pausing when he heard a sniffle from inside. "Patton?" He opened the door, and rushed over to his boyfriend's side.

"V-Virgil? N-no! Get away!" Patton tried to push away from Virgil, but the hold was too tight, and he ended up collapsing in a fit of sobs.

"Puppy... What happened?"

"Y-you called me I-immature."

"That's what all this is about? Puppy, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I was frustrated."

"I know. I-I'm sorry for being s-stupid"

"You weren't being stupid. Your feelings are valid. I'm sorry I hurt you."

"It's okay." Virgil pressed a kiss to Patton's temple, holding his boyfriend close.


Thomas summoned Patton and Virgil, after having Roman and Logan realise what happened.

The two appeared in Patton's spot.

"Sorry Thomas..." Patton spoke, clinging onto Virgil.

"Are you okay?"

"I am now. I just want to sleep. Please?"

"Of course." Thomas sent his two sides a small smile, and watched as they sunk into the mind.


Virgil lay Patton in bed, and pressed a loving kiss to his forehead.

"Sleep well puppy." Virgil slowly crept out of the room, leaving his boyfriend to sleep.

402 words

Ugh. Sorry.

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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