I Won't Fight Au {2/2} (Prinxiety)

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T.W. DEATH, this is ANGST, Fighting, and more death... yeah, it's really angsty. Have fun. :D

Virgil's eyes snapped open, glowing red as he did so. The room was dark, but his eyes soon adjusted. He ignored the obnoxiously loud creak the bed gave him as he sat up in his new surroundings. He didn't much care for the setting, or who he was, not that he remembered.


The villain stood in front of him, slowly tugging the mask of. Once the mask was off, and gripped in his hands, Roman found it hard to breathe.

"This can't be true. You died." Roman stumbled back slightly, protective stance faltering. "You... You died, you took a bullet for me and died. You're not here. Virgil, this isn't real."

"I won't fight you." Roman's voice rang out.

"Okay." Virgil's shoulders rose to his ears, and dropped again, dismissing his lover's comment.

Roman's sword hit his side, waiting for Virgil to make a move. He wasn't going to hurt his boyfriend, but he wasn't going to let himself get hurt in the process.

The mind in his boyfriend's body came towards him with his knife, realising Roman was in a state of weakness.


(From here down, as I was writing, I was crying the entire time, pretty much.)

Roman pressed his sword along Virgil's torso, Virgil's back pressed against the rough bark of the tree in the park. "I'm not going to fight you. This isn't you. What happened? I want my Virgil back." Roman spoke to his lover. His eyes scanned Virgil's face, and sighed sadly. "I love you, Virgil. I need you." His voice faltered slightly, and he met Virgil's gaze. "Please. Can I kiss you? One more time. Then you can kill me."

The darkly clad male sent him a small nod, and let him close the gap between them. The kiss was short, but Roman put in as much emotion as he could. He didn't care that is wasn't his Virgil anymore. So long as they shared the same face, and looked the same, they would always be his Virgil. Maybe it was why it all hurt so much. Maybe, deep down, he knew it was still his Virgil, and that was why he had to say goodbye in that way, and he knew that Virgil would be the one killing him.

Roman moved back from Virgil, and looked at the ground. His sword had been lowered, and made a dull thud as it landed on the grass. "Go ahead. I have nothing left to live for, I love you, Virgil. If you're even still in there." Roman kept his gaze focused down, as he watch Virgil's blade be lifted. The blade was pressed against his stomach, and he remained perfectly still. He watched as the blade shook, along with the hand holding it. "I don't want to do this." The voice in front of him whispered. "I'm not the bad guy."

"No, but if this is what has to be done, then it has to be done." Roman risked flicking his eyes up to Virgil's eyes, and deflated slightly as he saw they remained red. The hand in front of his stomach continued to shake. Roman reached his hand out, and covered the other's hand, clasping the blade. He reduced the shaking, and pulled the blade closer, letting the point press against his stomach. "I'm not a murderer. I can't do this."

"Please do it. You're not my Virgil anymore, and I don't want to live without you. So please, just stab me." The male in front of him sighed and stepped slightly closer to Roman, but refused to press the blade further into him. Virgil shook his head slightly, and looked down, tears filling his eyes. "I don't... I can't." Roman's shoulders dipped slightly, as he realised that his lover wouldn't be able to kill him, but he would never be his lover again. "Please. Just get it over with."

The blade pressed against his flesh slightly harder, and he gasped lightly as it pierced his skin, and a drop of blood fell out. "I can't. Please. Don't make me do this." Roman felt a tear hit his hand, and he looked up to see the smaller male crying. Roman sighed slightly, and had to remind himself that the male in front of him wasn't Virgil. Not anymore. "Please. I need this."

The blade got pushed slightly further into his stomach, and he gasped, pain ebbed through him, and he worked up the courage to look at his once lover's face. "You're not the bad guy." He forced out, feeling the blade plunge deeper into him. Tears fell freely down both their faces, one from physical pain, and the other from emotional pain. "I don't want to do this, I don't want the blood on my hands. I don't... I can't. Please, let go."

Roman let out a shaky breath, and let go of the darkly clad male's hand, yet he didn't let him pull the blade out. "I love you." He forced out, the pain becoming overwhelming, and he fell to his knees, pushing the blade in further. "I always have, and I know you're not the bad guy. The blood is on my hands." Blood started to seep out the corners of his mouth, and his breath stuttered as he continued living.

"I don't... I'm sorry. You must have been a good guy. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Virgil sunk to his knees and pressed a shaking hand to Roman's cheek. Roman leaned into the touch, and his eyes fluttered closed. His heart continued to beat, and his breath continued to leave his body. Virgil sat with Roman in front of him, and the entire ordeal reminded Roman of when he lost Virgil.

Virgil stood in front of him, blood seeping from the wound in his chest. The bullet had punctured his lung, and he had very little time left. No one would have thought that Roman was proposing only moments prior, or that they were a regular happy couple. No one would have stopped to pay attention to the guy in the mask, why would they? The park was empty, the same way it had been for years. Virgil's legs gave from beneath him, and Roman rushed to catch him. He lay Virgil across his legs, and looked down at him, tears filling his eyes. He tried to apply pressure and stop the bleeding, but he knew it was too late. He couldn't save him. He sat, Virgil on his legs, their gazes met, with moments left together. "I love you." Virgil coughed, blood residing on his lips. Roman shook his head, unable to talk, knowing he'd cry if he said anything. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to his boyfriends lips. Weakly, Virgil kissed him back. They parted, Virgil's blood glistened on both of their lips, and as Virgil struggled to breathe, Roman managed an "I love you." It was the last thing Virgil heard as his eyes closed, heart stopped, and last breath escaped his body.

Roman remembered the numbness be felt after that, the inability to move. He'd cried the entire way home. He'd moved Virgil's body to by the pond, and left. He couldn't stand it. He didn't know what else he could have done. He left. He could have stayed, he could have tried to kill himself, but he knew something was stopping him. Which was why he'd chosen to try and protect the city. He'd stopped the masked "villain" multiple times, but the crimes were hardly worth it. A few robberies, a run away car, silly things, but it wasn't until this last fight, the only significant fight, that he'd known who he was fighting. If he'd have known, he would never have continued it.

He looked up at Virgil, and sent him a weak smile. "I need you..." he inhaled sharply, pain hindering his voice. "I need you to do something for me." His opponent nodded slightly. "Kiss me, kiss me until I don't breathe. Until I don't kiss back any longer. You were my lover in a previous life. And you have the same face. I want to remember how it felt. Even more." His words were forced out. He could barely talk above a whisper, and he knew his time was short.

Virgil nodded and closed the gap between them. Their lips moved together, and neither cared about the mess. Roman's blood stained Virgil's lips, and the metallic tang filled it. It wasn't until the sirens in the distance were heard that his heart slowed to a stop, and he emitted his last breath, causing his lips to still, and Virgil to pull back.

As he looked at the body in his arms, he felt something shift in him, and to everyone else, his eyes turned back. They turned to their mocha brown, and held more emotion than they'd ever held before. He let out a loud cry, as he realised what Roman had done. His only love had killed himself because of everything else that had happened. He'd felt no purpose in his life, he'd lost his boyfriend, and he'd only tried to live to save other people.

Virgil lifted a hand to his mouth, and tried to muffle the sounds. He now knew how Roman had felt, after Virgil had taken the bullet for him. "I love you, Roman." He managed out, and he pulled the knife from Roman's stomach. Without thinking twice, he plunged the blood coated blade into his chest. Within seconds, his breathing stopped, and he joined his boyfriend.

Almost straight after, the sirens reached their bodies, and once the police realised the killer was dead, dismissed the case, knowing nothing could be done. Little did they know, someone was watching from the shadows, and wouldn't let things die down that easily.

1621 words

This was supposed to be better, but oh well. I might do a bonus part, I'm not sure.

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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