You Belong Au Pt2 (LAMP) {fluff}

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Virgil sighed, ever since he'd begun talking to those three males who had accepted him on Tumblr, he felt as though he was missing something, or someone. He had begun to question whether or not he was actually aromantic, or some variation of it. He was thinking more of demiromatic, only because he was starting to fall for the three males he spoke to.

He just wished he knew who they really were, and where they lived, maybe then it would give him a chance to meet them, not that it was likely to happen, but he'd like to hope.

MyAnxietyIsRaging: Hey.

MrKnowItAll: Good Afternoon.

CookieTheif: Hey, kiddo!

MyAnxietyIsRaging: I know you guys don't want to tell me, but I really want to know...

CookieTheif: It's not that we don't want to, it's more about safety.

DisneyPrince: I don't care who knows for me, if you want to know where I live, I will tell you, but I won't be very specific.

MyAnxietyIsRaging: You don't have to...

DisneyPrince: I live in Tampa, Florida.

MrKnowItAll: Odd. Very odd.

CookieThief: I agree...

DisneyPrince: Why?

MrKnowItAll: Because I live there too.

CookieThief: Me too.

MyAnxietyIsRaging: So you're saying, we all live in Tampa, which is not all that large, and there is a chance we live within 2 hours of one another at most?

MrKnowItAll: Yes.

MyAnxietyIsRaging: That's great... If you guys knew me, you wouldn't like me...

CookieThief: Kiddo, that's not true, we do know you.

MyAnxietyIsRaging: No, you know my words, you don't know me.

DisneyPrince: You can't be worse than the isolated emo kid who always sits in the back and never talks in any of the classes he's in. He's so awkward, and it's frustrating when you have to work with him,

MyAnxietyIsRaging: First off, rude, second off, that sounded like you described me perfectly...

DisneyPrince: Wait...

MyAnxietyIsRaging: No, no, no, no. This can't be happening. You can't be him, please don't be him. He's so rude, and he hates me...

DisneyPrince: Virgil?

MyAnxietyIsRaging: Yes... You're... You're Roman?

DisneyPrince: I am.

DisneyPrince: I'm sorry... I never knew what you were going through...

MyAnxietyIsRaging: It's not that, I don't care about that... It's something more. You know when I told you guys that I was reconsidering my aromanticism? Well, it was because of you three, and now I know who one of you is, I'm terrified of even showing up at school anymore. You know too much, and I can't...

CookieThief: Do you guys go to West View? I know both of those names...

MyAnxietyIsRaging: yes...

DisneyPrince: Yes.

MrKnowItAll: As do I.

MyAnxietyIsRaging: Wait, I know you two... You're Logan and Patton. Patton tried to become my friend at the beginning of the year, and I turned him away, and Logan was my math tutor at one point...

MrKnowItAll: You are correct.

CookieThief: Yep!

Virgil had to walk away from his phone to try and comprehend everything. Roman, the most popular male in the school, openly gay, and happy about it, he'd recently broken up with his boyfriend. Patton, the bubbly kid, who was friends with everyone, and never left anyone being upset. He was supposedly gay, but it had never been confirmed. Logan, the nerd, who hung around with the other nerds, yet he was different, he helped to tutor many people, and he was also openly gay, not that he had much of a say in it. He was supposedly outed by his ex.

Virgil had at one time or another expressed some sort of emotion towards all three, and now, he'd been talking to them for months, and he didn't even realise, not to mention the fact that he had started to like them romantically.

MyAnietyIsRaging: Would you guys hate me if I told you I started to develop feelings for you all?

MrKnowItAll: Not at all, I was feeling a similar way, not that I really understood it.

DisneyPrince: Nope, I understand it completely, why do you think me and my boyfriend broke up?

CookieThief: I thought it was because he cheated?

DisneyPrince: Well yes, but he cheated because he thought I was cheating, because I was always texting you three...

CookieThief: Also, I feel the same. And, I'm sorry that happened.

From then on, the three of them made sure to talk about everything, and if they formed their own small group in school, and started a relationship, no one knew, but they didn't need to, as long as they were happy, they didn't care.

750 words

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