Nothing Changed Au (LAMP) {fluff}

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Bare in mind, I don't know much about any of this, so if some of it is incorrect, please tell me. I hope this is somewhat accurate, and decent?

Transgender Roman Au.

T.W. Anxiety and Dysphoria (I guess? I don't know.) Mentions of Injections, and Doctors.

Roman sighed and looked at his jeans. He was grateful that he decided to wear red ones. The changes in his body couldn't come fast enough. He hated who he was born as, it just didn't suit him, and he hated that he had to rely on injections and other things to make him feel like who he was supposed to be.

"I'll be right back." Roman stood up, and walked towards the school bathrooms, his bag slung over his shoulder. He didn't care that his boyfriend's were worried about his constant disappearances, well, no, he did care, but he couldn't bring himself to explain why he would walk off all the time. He couldn't help it. Being born the wrong gender had its downfalls.

He sighed with relief when he realised the bathroom was empty. He didn't think he could handle it if it wasn't. He shut himself in the stall, and took a deep breath before sorting himself out. Luckily nothing showed, and he was grateful, but he couldn't wait for this to end. It had been 4 months already, and his period hadn't shown any signs of stopping, he just hoped it stopped soon, he didn't think he could manage much more of it.

As he left the bathroom, he saw Logan stood waiting for him. He was sure his boyfriend hadn't walked into the bathrooms, but with Logan, he couldn't ever be sure.



"Are you feeling alright? You have gone to the bathrooms a few times the past couple of days, and it seems to happen monthly."

"I am quite dandy, thank you." He smiled, and looked at his boyfriend of one month. The four males had been friends for almost a year at this point, and Roman had yet to tell them that he was transgender, and he was still struggling with his transition.

"If you don't mind my asking, is there something that you would need to tell us?"

"At some point." Roman smiled and took Logan's hand in his own. "But for now, I would rather not. It is a troubling topic for me to talk about, and I need to think about it before I come out and say it."

"I have my suspicions, but if you would rather I let this go, I shall."

"I... What are your suspicions?" Roman wasn't exactly opposed to Logan knowing, especially if it meant having someone on his side to help him get through the troubling months.

"Ever since I met you, you haven't been... How do I put this? As masculine as you seem to portray. You have this underlying... Feminine look about you, and I am not one to go against anyone's wishes, but it seems to me that you aren't all male."

"You're not wrong... I suppose." Roman sighed and thought through his next words. "I... I haven't always been physically male, however, in my mind, I have, I never fit into myself the way you guys do, but I feel as though I should be male. The past four months, I have been on testosterone, which has of course made changes, but so far, there is one it has yet to affect."

"Your menstruation cycle."

"Yes." Roman let go of Logan's hand in favour of clutching his bag strap. "I am not comfortable with a lot of what is going on with me, hence the baggy shirts, the secret trips during lunch, the... The red and black jeans one week a month. Don't get me wrong, I love these jeans, but the fact that I have to reserve them for certain times is rather frustrating. I do not like myself, and I would prefer it if this stays between us for now."

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