Work? Au (Platonic Analogical)

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Virgil ran around, trying to fine the logical facet, who would normally be around, and talk to him, teach him things, yet he was not to be found. Virgil had tried the logical personas room, the library, and almost everywhere else. The only place left to search was the lab.

Virgil toddled to the room, his ears perked up, and his tail twitching. He knocked on the door, hoping to get some response. "Come in." He toddled inside, and looked at the logical facet. Hair a mess, glasses askew, eyes puffy, with dark circles beneath them.

"Logy?" The younger aspect asked, gaining the attention of the logical aspect, however it was only brief, for Logan turned back to the computer almost straight after. Virgil growled slightly, and climbed onto the desk, standing in the way of Logan, yet somehow, he was still able to work. Virgil sighed, and climbed onto his shoulders, and because chewing on Logan's hair, which finally caused the logical lineaments to snap, and put him down, demanding Virgil tell him what the reasoning behind him being bothered was.

"Overwork... take break." Virgil looked up at Logan with puppy-dog eyes (irony!), and Logan caved.

"Fine. 10 minutes." He spoke, voice stern, yet both knew, if Logan fell asleep, it would be longer than ten minutes, and neither would mind.

The two went to Logan's room, and Logan slept on the bed, whilst Virgil made sure no one bothered him by standing guard outside.

246 words

Rushed. Sorry.

I have 20 drafts that I need to write, and some will take a while to write, so I want to be able to get something out. These others will mostly be short and for that I apologise. It'll be worth it.

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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