Day 12: Deceit's Journey

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Sorry I forgot to upload yesterday, I was working on Boarding School, and I spent the day with my mum, because she's always at work, so it was nice to spend the day with her. So, yeah, hope it's at least half decent and doesn't seem like I rushed it, because I definitely didn't do that. Haha... Yeah... Okay.


He hadn't meant to get lost. It just kind of happened. He had had enough of being in the mind, and decided to go into the Imagination. He'd heard Roman say it was a nice place to go to get away. What he hadn't anticipate was running into Roman.

He had been walking for an hour, having been in the forest, and forgotten to leave some sort of trail, or keep an eye out for things to remind him where to go.

The forest was thick, and he knew it was starting to get dark. He should never have come without someone by his side.

A branch snapped behind him, and he whirled around. Maybe it was paranoia, or maybe it was something, he didn't know, but it forced him to pick up his pace, and hope he found a way out, sooner rather than later.

Without thinking, he made a sharp turn, and pushed his way through the brambles at the side of the path, and refused to look back.

He rushed forward, and found himself in a clearing, where he was able to stop, and catch his breath.

He looked up and gasped when he saw Roman stood in front of him. He jumped and moved back slightly, about to scold him for scaring him.

Roman lifted his finger to his lip, signalling to be quiet.

The two stayed that way for a while, waiting.

"Sorry for scaring you, I needed to be quiet, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to get out."

"What don't you mean?"

"The thing that was following you, it's attracted by noise, and can't see. We needed to be quiet, any noise would have bought it to us, and we would have been trapped."

"So... You didn't save me."



"No problem."

Deceit knew, from then on, he would always bring someone with him into the Imagination, and he wouldn't try to figure things out without without the help of someone who knew what they were talking about.

336 words

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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