My R ~ Au

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So, my mum is flying out to England today, and it sucks because I'm going to miss the crap out of her. And my sister. I just hope four weeks comes and goes fast. As I type this, she is boarding the plane. Hoooo boy, this hurts. I miss her already, and it's been a few hours. I'm a mess. I'll shut up now.

Before we get into this angst fest, I thought I'd point out something I put in my oneshot recently. About my name. Since I was subtle about it, I thought you'd like me to be more explicit with it.

My name is Jordan.

So yeah. Let's get one with this thing.


T.W. Death, abuse, self harm, and mild language (in the song).

I found this song by accident. (Through the animatic(?) below.)

Just as I was about to take my shoes off
On the roof top there I see
A girl with braided hair here before me

He climbed the stairs and opened the door to the roof. He felt the wind blow against his clothes, he sighed and walked towards the edge, and looked at his shoes. Maybe they should stay, a reminder that he was there, not that anyone would care. He looked up, and saw a male in front of him, a light blue shirt, grey cardigan around his shoulders, and the wind blowing his hair. His khaki trousers stayed rooted against his legs, and a pair of brown shoes stayed on his feet. He sighed and walked over.

Despite myself, I go and scream
"Hey, don't do it please!"

"Don't do it. It's not worth you losing your life over whatever it was. You have people to listen to you."


"You're cared for. Talk to me. Please don't jump."

Whoa, wait a minute what did I just say?
I couldn't care less either way
To be honest, I was somewhat pissed
This was an opportunity missed

He sighed and internally reprimanded himself, he shouldn't help someone else. Admittedly, he wasn't happy that someone else made it there before him, and he would have to endure life for even longer.

The girl with braided hair told me her woes
You've probably heard it all before
"I really thought that he might be the one
But then he told me he was done"

"I found someone. I thought maybe... Maybe he was the one for me. We were together for so long... Then he told me he was done. He left me. No explanation or anything." The males eyes filled with tears and he looked away.

For God's sake, please!
Are you serious?
I just can't believe
That for some stupid reason, you got here before me
Are you upset cause you can't have what you wanted?
You're lucky that you've never gotten robbed of anything!

"You're ending your life because some jacka** can't see that you're worth more than anything. You may want him now, but you'll find someone better. You're lucky you had him in the first place." He sighed and tugged at his jacket, he couldn't stand pretending to be okay. But he had to.

"I'm feeling better thank you for listening"
The girl with braided hair then disappeared

The male left him, and he sighed. Before following the male down off the roof.

Sanders Sides Onshots Book 2 {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now