I Noticed... Pt 2 (Analogical/Logicality)

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Virgil sighed and watched from the doorway of Logan's room. He'd been there for a good five minutes, yet he still hadn't been noticed. Logan had asked him to go there, why? Probably to be tormented, and forced to watch Logan be happier without him. He knew he needed to make his presence known, but something told him that if he waited, or walked away, maybe things would return to the fake normal he liked.

He cleared his throat, causing Patton and Logan to look at him, having just separated from a kiss.

"Virgil. How much did you just see?" Patton stood up, and walked over to him, hoping to keep the situation calmer than it was going to be.

"Enough." He folded his arms across his chest, keeping his face blank.

"I did not want you to find out this way." Logan looked at his boyfriend from the bed.

"Then maybe you should have kept doors closed, and not flirted and cuddled and been all couple-like in the commons." Despite his words, Virgil found he felt calmer than he would have normally felt in a confrontation. "Even Roman knows."

"How long have you known?"

"Since it started."

"Was it really that noticeable?"

"Yeah. Thomas asked me about it too."

The five males had finished filming their next video, and Logan and Patton had been particularly flirty in it, causing Thomas to worry. He stopped Virgil before he sank out, after saying goodnight to his other sides.

"I thought you were with Logan?" Thomas frowned.

"I am..." Virgil looked down, studying his feet.

"Why is he like that with Patton then?"

"Maybe I wasn't good enough and he doesn't have the guts to break up with me."

"Well, if you need to talk, you know where I am."

"Thanks Thomas." Virgil smiled weakly, and sunk out, hoping that it wasn't that he wasn't good enough for Logan.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Logan looked at Virgil, he knew he was in the wrong, and that he should have told Virgil before it got this far.

"I liked the way you were with me. I hoped that you'd stop being around Patton, and that it was just a fad. I got selfish, and I refused to let it be an issue. So I'd watch you, when you didn't know I was. But, it got painful, and Roman told me to talk to you. I couldn't. I didn't want to lose you. But, this is why you called me here. You were going to tell me anyway. So, go and be happy, I'll stay away."

Virgil sighed and walked away, knowing if he didn't, he'd never have the courage to.

He made his way to Roman's room and knocked, somehow managing to hold back his tears, knowing if Logan or Patton saw, they'd feel guilty, and he didn't want their pity.

"Virgil?" Roman stood in his door way, the door having been opened, yet Virgil hadn't noticed, he was too lost in his thoughts to realise.

"Hm?" He looked at Roman, and as soon as his eyes settled on the concerned facial expression of his friend, he broke.

Roman took his hand and led him into the bedroom, shutting the door behind them both.

"What happened?"

"He... He called me there. I-I arrived and t-they didn't see me. It was l-like they didn't care. I-I b-broke it off."

"I know it's hard, but it's for the best." Roman pulled Virgil into a hug, knowing it was what he needed. "It gets better."

"I-I hope s-so."

Virgil sighed shakily and leaned against Roman, letting the repetitive rhythm of his heart beat lull him to sleep, where he had few worries, and he'd face everything when he woke up later.

627 words

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