I Had An Idea/I Need Ideas?

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Bare with me, I need ideas. Haha

So, last month I did the daily prompts, which didn't work out as well as I'd hoped for it to, but I had an idea.

What if, for the next 6 months or so, I do a month dedicated to each of the ships.

December - Royality
January - Analogical
February - Logicality
March - Prinxiety
April - Logince
May - Moxiety
June - LAMP
July - Thomas and Deceit ships. (This one is still uncertain, but yeah...)

However, if I did this, I would still have my other stuff coming out, but it would be me focusing on those things for each day. I know I'm technically behind, but I had forgotten about this idea.

My ideas are limited, and if you had any ideas for anything you would like to see, let me know, and, I will be putting them in the respective books, mostly because I don't have the room here, I have maybe 32 uploads left, which is great, but scary too, because I'm almost done with my second book??? That's over 400 uploads, but I do have too many A/Ns oops, haha... But yeah... If you have ideas, please let me know.

Take care

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