I'm Not Sorry Pt 2

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T.W. Mentions of death, and maybe other things? I don't know.

Patton was going around, checking on the sides, he wasn't sure why, but he felt the need to check on them, a specific anxious one in particular. When he reached the black wooden door, or where said door should be, the wall was empty. No door, no handle, nothing. Just the wall. His eyes widened in realisation and he ran to the logical lineament's room, knocking hurriedly on the door.

To say Logan was unimpressed to be disturbed would be an understatement, he was beyond annoyed. He'd just managed to fall asleep, so having Patton wake him up meant he'd not get any sleep for the rest of the night. When he opened the door, he was met with a frantic looking Patton, who dragged him out of the doorway, and down the corridor to Virgil's room, without saying a word.

The two made it to the hallway where Virgil's room used to sit, and Logan was slightly confused, and half asleep, as to why he'd been dragged out of his room to see a wall. "He's gone..." Patton murmured, running a hand over where the door used to be, where Virgil's logo used to reside. "What do you mean?" Logan asked, probably sounding rather stupid, but he didn't care, he'd been woken up, and he would much rather be in bed. "Virgil is gone. He killed himself..." Logan looked at the fatherly facet, and a look of realisation dawned on his face, he looked at the moral aspect, and recalled what had occurred prior that afternoon.

Logan sat on the sofa, a book in his hands, and the tv playing softly in the background, Patton had gone off to his room to collect a few items to make a pillow fort or something, and Virgil and Roman were in the kitchen, a heated discussion was brewing.

"It's not my fault! I'm just trying to protect him! If you have a problem with it, why are you dating me?"

"Because I thought I loved you."

Virgil's eyes widened, and for a split second, pain flashed through them, "you thought? Why don't I make it easier and walk away? Maybe then, you'll be happy."

"While you're at it, why don't you go and kill yourself?"

"You think I don't want that? You think I don't wish I could take it all back, remove myself and never let myself become accepted? You think I wanted this? Newsflash, I didn't, and I don't want to be here. So why don't you just let me go? Why do you keep trying? Roman, just stop, I don't want this, I don't want you. So please just leave me alone!" Virgil ran through the commons, and Logan, after hearing the entire thing transpire, tried to get Virgil's attention, to talk to him, and stop him, yet when Virgil ignored him, Logan guessed Virgil didn't want anyone around. He flinched when the slam of a door echoed around the mind. He looked over to the kitchen, and saw Roman leaning against the counter, his head in his hands. "Why don't you apologise?" Logan suggested, gaining the attention of Roman, and gestured to the stairs. "He hates me. He wouldn't want to see me." Logan snorted a little, warning a confused glance from Roman. "Worrying is his job." In response, Romans eyes widened, and it was Logan's turn to be baffled. "He was just doing his job. I'm a terrible boyfriend! Wait, did he break up with me?" With that, Roman ran off, leaving Logan in silence, in which he returned to his book.

"Roman and Virgil got into an argument, Roman said some... inconsiderate things, and it was possibly the thing that made him finalise his decision." Patton's eyes, despite full of tears, were able to harden, and he marched to the fanciful facets room. "Patton, he is probably asleep, we should not bother him."

"He harmed my son, I'm going to talk to him." Patton let out a low growl in the back of his throat, causing Logan to step back, and raid his hands in surrender. Patton then knocked on the hard, red wood, which soon opened to reveal a disheveled Roman. His eyes were puffy, and red. His hair stuck up all over the place, and he was still in his "uniform." He already knew. Logan glanced at Patton, whose angry exterior crumbled the second his eyes landed on Roman. "I'm sorry." Roman managed out. "It's my fault. I told him he should go and kill himself... I wasn't a good boyfriend. I'm sorry I hurt him..." Roman broke down in front of Patton and Logan, the latter looked rather lost, and turned to the former for help.

Patton hooked his arms under Roman's, and led him to the bed. "Get some sleep, we'll talk in the morning." Roman lay back, and soon fell asleep, allowing Patton and Logan to leave. Once out of the way of Roman's door, they began talking. Knowing that Roman would blame himself, they devised a strategy to watch over him, but try not to be suffocating.

Over the following months, the sides had their work cut out for them, but they managed to make it through. They all served as Thomas' anxiety, and they took care of each other. The death of Virgil had taken a toll on them all, but they were going to get through it, so long as they had each other.

907 words

I kind of like this. Sorry it's sad.

Should I do a pt 3, where they find out what was troubling Virgil, before then, which ultimately led to his demise?

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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