Misophonia (Logince)

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Tap. Tap. Tap.

Click. Click. Click.

Roman was close to tearing his hair out, he loved his boyfriend, but he wished he would sit still.


Roman was slowly going insane. He couldn't help it. He just needed the noises to stop.


He couldn't take it.


"Stop tapping!" He snapped at his boyfriend, who turned around, shocked at Romans outburst.


"Sorry. Just the noises were too much." Roman sighed and looked down, his hands were shaking slightly, and he was trying to keep them still, prevent them from going to his hair.

"Roman? What happened?"

"The noises... The tapping... I can't take it." Tears filled Roman's eyes, and he gripped his boyfriend's hand.


"I-I have Misophonia. It's where any noises, or movements can grate on my nerves, where I can't tune them out, or anything. And it's really hard to deal with. Normally I can keep my mouth shut, or block them out, but it seemed worse today."

"I am sorry. Do you need me to stop?"

"I just want cuddles... please." Roman looked at his boyfriend with a sorrowful gaze, and his boyfriend nodded, pulling him to the top of the bed. Logan pressed a soft kiss to Roman's lips and moved to put in a movie.

"I am sorry. I will try to be more mindful of you from now on."

"Thank you..." Roman muttered and buried his face in Logan's chest, listening as the movie started.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Roman sighed, content, and watched the movie with his boyfriend, the two soon drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

270 words

I suffer with this, and it's one of the worst things, because I bounce my leg when I'm nervous, but if anyone else does it, it gets on my nerves, and it's bad - when I was taking my AP English Literature test, this guy was diagonally in front of me, and the entire 3 hours, he was bouncing his leg, and it was awful! - so yeah... any sound or movement like that irritates me, and my parents aren't exactly reassuring of it... they tell me to tune it out. But eh... I can't. I wish I could. Sorry. I'll shut up now.

I'll do requests and stuff soon...

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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