Birthday (LAMP)

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Unedited (kind of)

Also, before I begin, a lot of you were wanting to know my name, and I've told you three times. And none of you have noticed. Guess I don't actually mean that much. I'll just be in the corner with my ice cream. >.<


Roman sighed. He'd been awake for hours, yet he wasn't yet willing to get up. He knew he'd be the only one awake, and he didn't want to be reliant on coffee all morning, and he didn't particularly want to be grumpy either.

He sighed and looked at the clock. 6:38. Logan or Patton would be getting up soon, they always did. He wanted to spend the day with his boyfriends because they meant a lot to him, and being his birthday, he just wanted to snuggle.

As he heard the padding of feet outside his bedroom door, he decided to get up out of bed.

"Good morning, Logan." Roman spoke in his normal chipper voice, happy to be around his boyfriend.

"Good morning." That's it? No happy birthday? No good morning kiss? No pet name? Roman sighed, not letting his boyfriend interfere with his day.

He sat across from Logan, a silence enveloped them, serving to make Roman more anxious about the day.

Patton's footsteps came next, and he wrapped his arms around Roman's shoulders and pressed a soft kiss to Roman's cheek. "Good morning RoRo!" Patton smiled and held onto his boyfriend for a few seconds longer than normal, before going to make breakfast.

Virgil came last, and flopped against Roman. The royal chuckled and pulled Virgil onto his lap, loving the way Virgil cuddles when overtired.

"Sleep okay, love?" Roman asked the tired trait, who was struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Mm... Somewhat I guess," Virgil mumbled, burying his face into Roman's chest, welcoming the darkness.

Roman smiled fondly, and held him tighter. He loved his boyfriend's, but it seemed as though they'd forgotten about it being his birthday, despite him reminding them for weeks.

After breakfast, Roman retreated to his room and sighed sadly. He'd asked them if they'd like to cuddle with him, but they all claimed they were too busy.

Meanwhile, his boyfriends were running around trying to make sure all the decorations were up and the room looked presentable. Red fairy lights hung from the ceiling, red balloons littered the floor, gold streamers hung with the lights, and a white frosted, red velvet cake sat on the kitchen counter. 4 gifts sat on the coffee table, wrapped with red paper and gold bows.

Virgil was sent to get Roman, hoping that the royal wasn't too upset with them.

He knocked and waited anxiously, fiddling with his sleeves.

Roman answered the door, his gaze downcast. But when he sensed Virgil's anxiety, he pulled him close. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... Just a little anxious."

"A little?" Roman chuckled softly, "you're shaking."

"Yeah. I know. Too much caffeine I guess. It isn't helpful. Anyway, come with me. But close your eyes, and please trust me."

"I trust you." Roman reassured Virgil, who took his hand, and led him to the commons, where Patton and Logan sat.

"Okay. Open your eyes."

Roman opened his eyes and looked around. His mouth hung open, and he took in the room.

"You did all of this?"

"Yeah... It wasn't easy." Virgil rubbed the back of his neck.

"But its all for you because we love you!" Patton bounded over and pressed a kiss to Roman's cheek.

"It's... Magnificent. I love it!"

"Good. We are glad you take satisfaction in our extremities for you."

"Too many big words." Virgil groaned, causing Roman to chuckle, and Patton to lean over to him and whisper "saxophone."

"Please. Make it stop." Virgil half joked. Roman wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist, and held him to his chest. Virgil spun around, wrapping his arms around Roman's neck, and pressed a kiss to Roman's lips. It was short, but caused Roman to whine at the lack of contact.

"I want one!" Patton screeched.

Roman rolled his eyes fondly, and pressed a soft kiss to Patton's lips, before turning to Logan.

"I am adequate, thank you." Logan stepped back, but Roman wouldn't take no for an answer. He let go of Virgil, and pulled Logan close.

He heard Virgil whine at Roman leaving him, but when he turned back, Virgil and Patton had begun snuggling on the sofa. Roman kissed Logan briefly, before joining the other two on the sofa.

By the end of the day, Roman was happy. He should never have doubted his boyfriend's love for him, and he knew he wouldn't again.

In front of them, on the coffee table, sat 4 gifts, a red and gold flower crown, a red sash with gold letters spelling "prince", a golden rose pen, and a photo of all four of them in a gold frame.

The four had sat and watched a multitude of Disney movies, all of Roman's choice, and cuddled.

"I almost forgot!" Patton wriggled his way out of the middle of the pile, and ran to the kitchen, bringing back the cake. "We didn't have candles, and we were too tired to summon any, but happy birthday?"

"It's amazing, puppy." Patton blushed at the praise, and set the cake down, before rushing off to grab plates and a knife.

The four resumed their movie binge, and ate almost all of the cake (The little bit left was Virgil's, he may have fallen asleep, almost on the cake), and they were all happy to snuggle, until inevitable sleep took over.

888 words.

So I made this for Roman's birthday, but then I got another idea, and I made a Virgil version, but yeah

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So I made this for Roman's birthday, but then I got another idea, and I made a Virgil version, but yeah.

Hope you enjoyedTake careJordan xx

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Hope you enjoyed
Take care
Jordan xx

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