Day 9: Logan's Voice

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It had all started with a sore throat

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It had all started with a sore throat. He should have known yelling with one wouldn't have amounted to any good. He should have thought things through before losing his temper.

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. It didn't help that Roman and Patton thought it would be funny to start being idiots. Of course, the second he can't have a say in anything, they decide to be ludicrously idiotic.

"Virgil." Patton called to the darker trait, who was sat on the sofa, focused on his phone instead of what the other two were doing.


"Don't you think we should get Thomas to go out tonight. His friends hardly see him, and it would be a wonderful opportunity to meet new people."

"No. No. No." Virgil sat up fully, now aware of the other two's plan. "Bad idea. Too many people, too many chances for something to go wrong. I think we should be reasonable and stay in and watch a TV show. That way nothing can go wrong."

Whilst Logan didn't agree with Virgil's reasoning, he did agree with the idea that Thomas should stay home, especially since he had been working hard, and going out would only aggravate the headache he had begun to develop. Not to mention, if Logan couldn't talk, there would be no telling how idiotic Thomas would be. Logan would still be able to give him directions, but he wouldn't be able to have as much say.

"But he will stay alone forever!" Roman butted in, pulling Logan from his thoughts.

"What about you Logan, what do you think?"

Logan sighed and shook his head. The others knew he lost his voice, and found it hard to make a sound, but he appreciated being a part of the discussion.

Having thought it through, he typed out his answer, and handed his phone to Virgil, who read it aloud.

"You guys are no fun." Roman pouted.

"They have a point, between what they both said, well... What Virgil said on behalf of him and Logan, maybe tonight isn't the best night, especially with Logan having little control over certain areas."

Logan rolled his eyes and glanced at Virgil, who was still holding onto Logan's phone.

"Maybe you can convince him to have a movie night or something with his friends in a few days, or he can make a pillow fort tonight?" Virgil suggested, knowing it would be something that would make both of them happy.

"That's a good idea." Roman grinned and ran off to his room, dragging Patton along with him, to plan the nights events, more than likely.

Logan sighed. "They are idiots." He managed to whisper.

Virgil smiled and nodded. "Yeah, but they're our idiots."

Logan smiled and stood up.

"Do you want your phone back?" Virgil offered, standing up and walking to him.

Logan smiled and took it back gratefully.

"Thank you." He managed out, and took Virgil's hand in his own, squeezing it slightly.

Virgil smiled and let Logan lead him to his room, where they stayed for the rest of the day, watching documentaries, and cuddling, knowing that eventually, Roman and Patton would come and join them, and help with Logan's sore throat.

539 words

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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