Day 3: Logan's Birthday

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I feel like I should be trying to make these longer, but I don't think I can

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I feel like I should be trying to make these longer, but I don't think I can.

In all honesty, he'd been awake that long, he'd forgotten what day of the week it was, let alone the date, so the surprise was a complete surprise, and he never would've thought about it.

Logan sighed and pushed away from the desk, he had pulled his third all-nighter in a row, and he was glad none of the other sides were paying him any attention, they all seemed preoccupied with other things, which made staying up to ridiculous hours that much easier.

He tidied the papers on his desk, and looked at his reflection in the mirror. He sighed and tidied his hair, and hoped the others didn't notice the bags beneath his eyes.

He opened his door and frowned, it was nearing nine in the morning, and the others were usually up and noisy, so where was the noise?

He trudged down stairs, and found it even more confusing that the lights were off.

As soon as his foot hit the bottom of the stairs, the other sides jumped out, and yelled "Surprise." He frowned. What was he missing?

"Happy Birthday Logan!" Patton bounded over to him and threw his arms around him, pulling him into a slightly too tight hug.

"It's... What day is it?"

"Saturday." Virgil replied, at the same time as Roman.

"No... I mean the date?"

"November third." Patton replied, frowning slightly, tilting his head to the side. "What's going on?"

"I may have not slept for the past three nights, and I am confused about what day it is... I also may have forgotten it was my birthday."

Virgil frowned. "Birthday celebrations can wait, Logan needs to sleep."

Logan sighed, yet didn't object, sleep sounded pretty good, and he was grateful that his friends had thought about him.

After a few hours rest, the sides celebrated Logan's birthday, and Logan was happy to have friends like that by his side.

317 words

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Take care

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