He's Better. (Platonic Moxiety)

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"I'm just doing my job, sorry it bothers you the way it does."


"Anxiety does more than any of us. He works with us, better than we work together. He compliments us more than we know, or give him credit for. He pushes Thomas to learn, he pushed Thomas to retain what he knows, in order to make his videos better. He shows me how to accept every emotion, even the negative ones, and it makes us all better. He may hinder Thomas as soon as he goes on stage, but he eases up. He's the reason that Thomas even goes for the auditions, and then accepts the rolls he gets. He's better than any of us. He compliments us all. More than we'd ever know."


"Anxiety can be a gloomy goober sometimes, but he is still one of us."


"I don't necessarily mind your company."


"Anxiety... You're... what pushes Thomas to rehearse and rehearse before performances. You are that nervousness that he feels right before going on stage, but, just as he does so... you ease up, and... you let his excitement and passion for performance take over. I think that's as good as sign as any that... you're willing to work as a team... and that... you make us... better."

212 words

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