I Noticed... Pt3 (Analogical/Logicality)

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T.W. Maybe? I don't think so.

Virgil sighed as he woke up, pressed into someone's chest.

"How are you?" Roman's voice filtered into his ears.

"I've been better." He mumbled, and sat up. He didn't want to talk, but he knew he ought to.

Roman sat up with him, and sent him a small smile, not making any move to remove his arms from around his waist.

As wrong as it felt, Virgil was happier to be in someone's arms, knowing they cared. His head hurt like crazy, and he was sure his eyes were red and puffy.

"I know it's hard..." Roman started, trying to find the right words to use. "But, he's a jerk."

"I know...But I love... Loved him." Virgil looked down. "I still do..."


"I know. It's for the best. But, I can't let it go."

Roman tightened his hold on Virgil, and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. "Do you need a drink?" He pushed some of Virgil's hair off his face.


Virgil let Roman help him up from the bed, and the two walked to the kitchen in silence.

Virgil froze in the doorway. He couldn't believe it, it hadn't even been 24 hours, and they were at it in the kitchen, where they could be walked in on.

Virgil grabbed Roman's wrist, and without a seconds thought, he whispered, "Kiss me."

"What? Are you sure?"

"Yes. Just... Kiss me."

Roman stepped closer to him, and connected their lips. It wasn't anything like either of them were used to, but, it was new, and it got a reaction out of Logan and Patton, which was what Virgil was hoping for.

Maybe it was a revenge type kiss, but he didn't care, in that moment, Virgil felt something new for Roman, and even if he wouldn't admit it, he liked Roman in a new way.

Maybe one day, they would be together, but until then, Virgil had Roman to go to whenever he needed, and they had equal amounts of dislike towards the other two sides, so would happily talk about them when they were in each other's rooms.


After a few months, Virgil had finally gotten over Logan, for the most part, and he was slowly beginning to get settled with Roman.

He was laying on his bed, staring at his ceiling, when a knock sounded on his door. He sighed and answered it, and his eyes widened in shock when he saw Logan on the other side of the door.

Out of nowhere, Logan stepped forward, and before Virgil had time to register what was happening, Logan was kissing him.

434 Words

Muahahahaha. (I'll do a part four at some point. Maybe in 4 months because that's how long it took me to do this/I forgot and I figured oh well. May as well.)

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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