Snuggles and Sickness (Logince)

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I am lazy and unhealthy...

Roman shuddered as he lay buried under the pile of blankets he had on top of him. He sniffled and pushed himself up slightly, reaching for the glass of water sat on his nightstand. Before he could reach the glass, a scratching in his throat caused him to cough. It was a chesty cough, and he groaned as he felt some mucus rise in his throat. Before he could do much, he felt a his stomach clench, and he rushed to the bathroom, removing any food he had eaten prior.

The sound of rushed footsteps across his boyfriend's floor, caused Logan to check in on him. Logan knocked on the bedroom door, getting no response, he walked into the room, and rushed to the bathroom door after hearing the retching. He pushed the bathroom door open, and walked to his boyfriend. He knelt by his sick significant other, and rubbed his back, hoping to make him feel that little bit better.

Roman reached up and flushed the toilet, and wiped the corners of his mouth. He groaned and leaned into Logan's side. "I don't feel well." He muttered, his throat hurting whenever he spoke.

"I know, love, but it will get better. I promise, and I will stay here with you for as long as you need me to."

"Thank you." Roman buried his face in the black material of his boyfriend's shirt. "Where's your tie?" His words were muffled, but his boyfriend understood him nonetheless.

"I didn't put it on, I figured you would need me to snuggle with, so I left it off."

Roman made a noise of acknowledgement, and felt his eyes water. He moved away from his boyfriend, and sneezed into his elbow, groaning after.

"Let's get you to bed." Logan spoke, taking Roman's hand in his own.

The two made it back to Roman's bed, and Roman dove under his blankets, but complained when Logan told him he had too many blankets.

"But I'm cold!" He groaned.

"You have a high body temperature, despite you feeling cold, you are not, and the warmer you make yourself, the worse you will feel. You do not need this copious amount of blankets."

"Too many big words..." Roman muttered, burying his face in his pillow, the lights hurting his head.

Logan rolled his eyes fondly, and climbed into the bed next to him. "Get some rest, it will help."

Roman made a noise of agreement, and curled into Logan's side, soon after, falling asleep.

Over the following few days, Roman got better, and not too long after he was fully better, he had the chance to return the favour to Logan, since he then got sick.

448 words

This was atrocious.

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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