Jealousy (Logince)

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Roman sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He knew it would happen, the fanders would love Logan more. The teacher would become more popular than the prince. All because he looked and acted better. Roman knew he wasn't good enough. It was only a matter of time before Logan left him.

A knock on the door took him from his thoughts, and he walked over, being greeted by a bunch of red roses. "For you. Patton says they may help you feel better, I had noticed that you were not quite as eccentric as you would normally be, recently." Logan sent his boyfriend a shy smile. Normally Roman would be the one doing something like this, yet, Logan had gone out of his way to make his boyfriend feel better.

Roman smiled, and pulled his boyfriend into a kiss, being mindful of the roses.

When they parted, Roman put the roses in a small vase, with the help of Logan, and the two went to cuddle on Romans bed, before drifting off into a long nap.

178 words

Eh... I don't know. It's okay?


Cake_SS_Herron you gave me a request I think, but I don't remember what it was, I had the title as "Not Real" and it was Logince, do you remember it?

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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