Introduction (Prinxiety)

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Prompt: introduced myself to mother again today.

T.W. Maybe?

Virgil sighed as he made his way through the sea of people, his mind was reeling, heart breaking and he knew he would never get over the pain of introducing himself to his mother every few days. Some days were better than others, however, most were bad. Most days he would have to reintroduce himself and younger brother to his mother.

He made his way to his locker, and his mood lifted slightly when he saw his boyfriend waiting for him.

"Bad morning?" He spoke, gaining Virgil's attention.

"Is it that noticeable?"

"Only when you're looking for it. You have a pretty convincing mask."

"It sucks."

"I know. I want to see the real you, not the distorted you that your mask creates."

"I didn't mean that, but you do see the real me... When we're alone at least."

"I know." Roman smiled at him, and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "How is Pat coping?"

"He's confused and I don't know how to explain it to him. I want to be the good big brother, but I feel like I'm failing him."

"You're still there for him, aren't you?"


"And you help him in any way possible?"

"You know I do."

"Then you're not failing him." Virgil cracked a small smile and leaned against Roman.

"It's too much sometimes. I have to protect him, and be strong for him. I have to do everything at the house, and I'm slowly breaking. He can't see how it's affecting me, and he doesn't know to ask if I'm okay."

"That's why I do. I know it's hard for you, and I know you're struggling, but I'm here for you to fall back onto. I'm here to hold you up, and rebuild you."

"You're too good for me, Ro."

"No. I'm not. I'm what you need, and I'm as good for you as you are for me."

Virgil rolled his eyes fondly, and smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The two made their way to class, ready to face the day.


The bell rang for the end of the day, and Virgil slowly packed his things away, knowing he had the best part of an hour to get to his brother's school. He pulled his phone out, and slung his bag over his shoulder.

He scrolled through the notifications, and saw a call from Patton's school. He unlocked his phone, and checked his voicemails.

Hi, this is Mrs Anderson, calling from Asherton Elementary School. Patton got into a disagreement with another child this afternoon, neither got injured, but I recommend you get here at your earliest convenience. We have disciplined him, but you may want further action. Thank you.

Virgil sighed and rushed to his locker, where Roman stood waiting.

"C'mon Princey. We gotta go." Virgil grabbed Roman's hand and pulled him along.

"Whoa... Virge... What's going on?"

"I got a phone call from Pat's school earlier, and they left a message."

"What happened? Is he okay?"

"He apparently got into a disagreement with another kid. That's not like him, so either they were really pushing his buttons, or he was defending someone. I have to go and see what it was all about."

Roman let Virgil pull him along to the elementary school, and they waited for the principle to call them into her office. "Virgil Black?" The aforementioned male stood up, and asked Roman to wait for him, to which he got a grin and a promise to wait.

Virgil made his way into the office, and saw two other kids sat in there, alongside Patton. "Hey Pat." Virgil made his way over to Patton, and pulled him into a brief hug, "What happened?" He turned to the principle, who smiled fondly.

"I'm sorry if my message worried you. It wasn't anything physical. However someone was about to." Mrs Anderson turned her gaze to the male opposite Patton briefly. "Patton was just trying to defend Logan." Virgil's attention was drawn to another male in glasses. He was wearing a black shirt and dark blue jeans. He looked smart, but reserved.


"He was being teased, bullied!"

"I wasn't bullying him!"

"You kicked him, and threatened to stick his head in the toilet! And he said it's not the first time!"

Virgil smiled at Patton fondly, and pulled him in for a hug. "And here I thought, you were getting into fights because of what was going on at home." Patton shook his head, and smiled brightly at Virgil.

"You two may go. I will be dealing with this issue. I apologise for calling you whilst you were in school."

"It's okay. I understand that you have to call someone."

Patton and Virgil walked out the office, hand in hand. "Is Roman with you?"

"Of course. What kind of a question is that?" Virgil grinned and scooped Patton up in his arms.

"I don't know. Logan said that he'd seen you picking me up, and he seems to think you're unhappy. Are you unhappy with Roman?"

"Of course not. I love him." Virgil frowned, and looked at his younger brother.

"Are you unhappy at all?"

"No." Virgil forced a smile at Patton, and placed him on the ground, so he could run over to Roman.

"Hiya Patty." Roman grinned as Patton ran over to him. "Who did you beat up today?"

No one. Not yet." Patton giggled, and let himself be scooped up by Roman.

"How about we go and get ice-cream before we head home?" Virgil suggested, knowing it would make Patton happier, and it would hopefully distract him from Patton asking him if he was unhappy.

Roman laced his fingers with Virgil's, and placed Patton on the ground, using his other hand to hold his hand.

The three males went to the ice-cream parlor and ordered their favourite iced treats, knowing they would be distracted from their issues for a short while.

986 words

Part two? Maybe?

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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