Brotherly Bonds Aren't Broken Au (Platonic Logince)

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What, 5 in one day? What?!?!


T.W. Bullying.

Logan climbed out of bed, and knocked on his brother's door, hopefully waking him up, before collecting his clothing and heading to the shower. He spent the best part of 10 minutes showering, before getting out, drying his self, and making sure he looked presentable. Once he walked out of the bathroom, he went to by his brother's room to make sure he was getting up. He knocked, and his brother opened the door, greeting him with a large grin. "Can I help you?" He asked, causing Logan to shake his head, and turn away, a small smile grazing his lips, "I just wanted to make sure you are up, and had not fallen asleep."

"Nope, I'm up and shining, Specs." Logan smiled, and made his way to his room, to finish getting himself read for the day.

He and Roman had a rough relationship. They were friendly, and caring at home, yet when it came to school, Roman was popular, and Logan was a nerd, and the two never associated with one another. Logan was okay with it, he had two friends to spend time with, and they were okay knowing that he would not talk about his home life, nor let them to his house.

Roman rode to school in his friend's car, whereas Logan walked, and he didn't mind it, he was able to meet up with Virgil and Patton along the way.

That morning however, they knocked on the front door, of course they knew where he lived, he just wouldn't let them in. Was he running late? No. He was on time, so why were they here?

He answered the door, ushering them out, and into the street, walking with them, they held a small conversation, and by "they", it was Patton and Logan, Virgil remained quiet, his hands in his pocket, eyes fixated on the pavement beneath him, yet occasionally, his gaze would drift up to his boyfriend, and although he'd pretend not to notice, a light blush would coat Patton's cheeks.

By the time they'd reached school, Logan recognized Roman's friend's car in the parking area, he sighed, and walked to his locker with his friends.

Not too long after he'd arrived, his locker was slammed shut, but none other than Roman's friend. "Nerd." He spat out, however, when Logan didn't react, he scowled, and pushed the smaller male into his friend, to whom he apologised to, before being dragged away and pinned against the locker. "You will listen to me... maggot."

Logan just looked at him, a nonchalant expression coating his features, which angered the bully more.

"Back off Jake." Roman's voice came from the crowd, and he emerged through the people.

"What do you care?" Jake turned to Roman, partially confused, partially annoyed.

"He's my brother." Gasps of shock rippled through the crowd, and even escaped from Patton and Virgil. Jake dropped Logan, however kept a grip on his shirt, "What do you expect me to do about it?"

"I suggest you let him go, before I get sent to the office for punching a fellow student, and you get sent to the nurse's office." Roman stepped forward, his stance promising, and gaze threatening Jake to lay another hand on Logan. In response, Jake let go of Logan's shirt, and stormed off, once he was gone, Roman rushed over, and checked to make sure Logan was okay.

Logan smiled slightly and pushed his brother off, before pulling his friends over, and allowing them to meet the Roman that Logan knew.


By the end of the day, Logan hadn't encountered Jake, no one had, and Roman had stopped speaking to him altogether.

"Why did you stop him?"

"You weren't going to."

"You never stop him."

"I care about you."

"Don't go sappy on me now, halfwit."

Roman jokingly gasped, and punched Logan on the shoulder, which elicited a chuckle from his brother. The two walked in silence, and when they reached their house, they flopped on the sofa, and watched whatever movies they felt like, before drifting off on the sofa, and forgetting about almost everything else.  

686 words

I hope this was okay... it kind of didn't go how I wanted it to... eh. Sorry.

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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