Don't Touch Me

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So this is part 100, and it sucks! I have been trying to think of something to write for DAYS, and I haven't been very active on here, and that's because I'm lazy, and useless. So, I'm sorry. I'll try to get something better out at some point.


Virgil grumbled, it was too early, and he wasn't sure why anyone was coming to wake him up. He heard the door open, and close, and the padding of feet across his carpeted floor. He sighed and buried his face in his pillow further, without alerting the other side that he was awake. He felt a hand rest on his foot, and he immediately pulled back.

"Don't touch me." He grumbled, and curled in on himself. 

"You need to get up." Patton's voice came from the base of the bed. 


"We need to go out, and help Thomas."

"I don't want to." Virgil complained, as he sat up. 

Patton smiled and reached a hand out to Virgil for him to take. 

"No touch." He muttered, and pushed himself off the bed. 

Patton smiled and walked out of the room with Virgil, ready to face the day. 

147 words

Ew... Sorry. 

Hope you enjoyed

Take care


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