Day 5: Deceit's Plush

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Deceit turned his room upside down for the fifth time that morning. "Where is he? He has to be here somewhere." He muttered to himself, and sighed. He normally wouldn't think twice about his plush missing, but since he'd had an argument with Roman, he wouldn't be surprised if Roman teamed up with Virgil and plotted a way to steal it.

"De?" Virgil stood in the lying facet's doorway, and frowned. "What's going on? You missed breakfast."

"I uh... I lost something, and I can't find it." He sighed and looked at the mess he made, he didn't see the point in lying, and Virgil knew that. He was half way through the third cycle. Make a mess, tidy it up, make a mess, tidy it up, make a mess... It didn't matter how many times he did it, he still couldn't find his plush.

"What are you looking for? Maybe I can help?" Virgil stood uncertainly, after having moved closer to the frantic male.

"I uh... Sure. It's my plush dolphin, the one that's always in my pocket. It keeps me calmer and more rational."

"Oh. I've seen you with that a few times, I never asked because I thought you'd want it to be kept a secret." Virgil smiled and looked at the male on the floor.

"I don't suppose Roman knows about it, does he?"

Virgil threw his head back and let out a loud laugh. "Roman? Be that observant? Who are you and what have you done with Deceit?"

Deceit chuckled softly, "I guess I'm not thinking clearly."

Virgil set about helping Deceit to tidy his room, all the while looking around to see if he could spot the plush he seemed so distraught over.

After a few hours of searching around the mind, Virgil and Deceit took a seat in the kitchen, planning on eating and taking a break.

Deceit had recounted the previous day multiple times, wondering where he could possibly have gone wrong, and if he was missing something.

Patton entered the kitchen as the two stood up to continue their search.

"Oh, Deceit?" Patton turned to the aforementioned trait, who hummed in response. "I found something of yours in with the laundry, I'm not sure how he got there, but I thought you would appreciate me setting him on your bed." Patton flashed him a small smile, and watched as he fled to his room.

By the time Virgil had reached him, Deceit was happily holding a small plush dolphin to his chest.

"I can't thank you enough for trying to help me today." Deceit looked up at Virgil, who smiled and shrugged, muttering that it was nothing. "Can I do anything to help you in return."

"Nah. Don't sweat it. I'll come to you if I need anything." Virgil smiled and walked out of the room, pausing briefly to look back at Deceit.

Maybe he wasn't the most honest person in the world, but he always needed someone on his side, and Virgil was determined to be there to help him if he needed it.

514 words

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