Oh No... (Logince)

840 56 33

FandomsUnited_Always I told you I'd do it.

Unedited (there may be typos because I cannot type today and gahhhhh) WildSpirit27 I cant deal with typos
:( save meeeeeeee

I have a question for you all, and I want to know your honest answers: What is your gender, and what does it mean to you?

Patton and Logan were sitting in silence, in the commons, neither having much to say, both too occupied with their thoughts to say much of anything.

"Say, Patton, don't you think that's it is funny how, when you fall in love with someone, you start becoming aware of these little quirks and habits they have, and just collecting and memorising them?"

"Like what?"

Logan went on a tangent of describing everything about Roman, and how much he took in about the fanciful facet, not thinking about much of anything other than him.

"Uh, Logan...?"


"Did you hear what you said just now? Because I have news for you."

"Yes, Why? What do you me-"

Logan stopped mid sentence.

"Oh my god..."

Patton could see the dread flooding his features as he realised what was going on. He felt guilty for finding it slightly humorous, and he couldn't help letting a small chuckle slip through.

"I've got a crush on Roman."

Patton smirked and stood up, ready to walk out. "Yep. Good luck with that..." He grinned and walked out, not doubtedly going to Virgil's room, leaving Logan alone with his thoughts and feelings.

Roman would be the death of him.

227 words

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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