It's Okay. (Prinxiety)

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T.W. Death and Mentions of a Funeral

The car was silent, minus the few sniffles, and the engine. It was solemn, and no one liked it. The day had been hard on them all, Virgil especially. Virgil lived with him, Virgil went through everything with him, no matter what it was, or if they should have gone to their boyfriends. Only now, Virgil didn't have him. Virgil had his own boyfriend, and his boyfriend.

The three sat together, Virgil's boyfriend driving, and his brother's boyfriend in the back seat. Roman was the only one able to drive. The situation had been hard. Too hard, on all of them, but Roman had been able to hold it together. He'd been able to pick everyone else up, after they'd fallen, whilst he held himself together, not wanting to let everyone else see how hard it had been on him. He'd lost his best friend, but it didn't matter because his boyfriend lost a brother, and their friend had lost a boyfriend. Logan was still in denial. Even after the funeral. He didn't want to admit that it happened. He didn't want to admit that he was suffering, or that he'd get home and it would be empty. His boyfriend wouldn't have made his way over, whilst Virgil was with Roman, and made him some food, or set up a movie night. They'd never watch movies together, he'd never hear another stupid pun from his boyfriend, and he'd never be held in his arms.

Virgil glanced behind his boyfriend, and locked eyes with Logan. "Are you sure you want to go home?" His voice was rough and hoarse, a clear indication he had been crying, but he didn't care. He had to make sure his friend would be okay going home alone, knowing that he would more than likely walk into his empty apartment, full of life from the few times Patton had been over there, and he'd break down.

"Yes. I am sure."

Virgil nodded, knowing not to push Logan. He knew he wouldn't take too kindly to it.


They dropped Logan off at his apartment building, letting him know to call them if he needed anything, whilst also knowing he wouldn't, because he was independent and didn't like letting other's in when he was emotional.


Roman opened the car door, after unbuckling his and Virgil's seat belts. Neither looked at the other, and they knew it was going to be tough on them both. Virgil sighed and looked up at the house in front of him, through the windshield. It was going to be a long night. "Come on." Roman opened Virgil's door, the latter having not realised Roman had left the car. A hand was held in front of his face, encouraging him to take it, and let himself be helped. He placed his hand in Roman's, and let himself be pulled to his feet, after swinging his legs out of the car. He stood in front of Roman, his gaze cast down, words trapped in his throat, mind telling him to say something, yet nothing came out. He sighed, and felt arms wrap around his waist. Only then did he look up. He looked up and saw Roman's emotions, he saw the way his death had been taken by Patton's best friend.



Virgil wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's shoulders and pulled him down for a brief kiss. "It's okay. It gets better."

"I know." Roman sent Virgil a small, weak smile, and the two stood by the open car door, wrapped in the other's arms for as long as they needed, before heading back inside, and letting the grief consume them, whilst cuddling with the other, knowing that it would get better, it just took time.

623 words

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