Flowers Au (Analogicality) {Slight Angst?} 1/2

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T.W. Metions of Blood, and Past Self-Harm (Literally only mentions them.)

Virgil's boyfriends had always been protective of him, sometimes it was too much, and he felt suffocated. He loved them unconditionally, but there were days where he needed alone time. Those days were especially bad because he would often be wrapped in blankets, or if one of his boyfriends found him self harming, they would make sure he didn't lose too much blood, or so he thought.

What he didn't know, was that his boyfriends knew more about him than he knew about himself. Logan and Patton knew that if a drop of Virgil's blood landed on the floor, it would produce a vibrant red flower, and that flower could be deadly to those around it. It was named the Shadow Blood and anyone who got within a 1-meter radius of it, for too long, would end up dying.

Patton and Logan noticed it not long after Virgil met them, they'd all been friends since they were quite young, but they had managed to make a potion to remove Virgil's memories of it, because they knew he would hate himself if he knew what he could do to others, or he could use it against himself when he was in a slump. Ever since they had vowed to keep Virgil safe, and they wouldn't let him see what he could do to himself. They would always be there when he fell into a slump, or when he didn't see why he mattered.


Virgil was sat, curled up against Patton's side, wondering about their past together, he knew they'd known each other for a long time, but he didn't know a lot about when they were first friends. He felt as though some of his past was missing, and he didn't know how to talk to his boyfriends about getting those memories back.

He looked up to Patton, who was focused on the TV and then to Logan, who was cooking them dinner. He figured Logan was easier to talk to right then if Logan would even tell him about what went on.

He detangled himself from Patton and walked to the kitchen, where he stood in the doorway, watching Logan cut up some food.

"Logan?" He finally spoke up, and walked over to him, wrapping his arms around said boyfriend's waist. He got a hum in response, and he sighed slightly, needing his attention more than the food did. "Logan."

Logan put the knife down and removed Virgil's arms from around his waist, so he could face him.

"Yes?" He didn't look pleased with being interrupted, which made Virgil feel slightly uneasy about having the conversation.

"I uh... Can you tell me about how we met? The three of us? I don't remember it, at all..."

Logan frowned, and glanced behind him, to Patton, who was still watching the TV. "That is something we have to include Patton in too."

"Logan, please, I need to know, it keeps me awake, and I don't know what to think anymore! You're always so protective, you don't let me use knives, or the grater, you don't let me be alone whenever I feel like crap, and I get I have a rough history with self-harm, but I don't do that anymore, and you know that!"

"I know. We know. But we still worry for you, we don't want you to hurt yourself, and then relapse."

"I won't! I promised you guys, I promised you I wouldn't do it again. I thought you trusted me. Why do you keep the past from me?"

"Because there are things you don't know, and you'd hate yourself if I told you what you did, or had the capability to do."

"That doesn't help me at all!" Virgil threw his arms up, and he had to fight the waver in his voice. "I thought you trusted me. You both... Neither of you trust me, do you?"

"Virgil, that isn't the case..."

"Then what is? I hate being kept in the dark, do I have to talk to my parents, to Roman? Who do I talk to in order to get answers? Logan, you can't keep telling me it's okay, that my past doesn't matter. It interferes with us, so how am I to be able to do anything if I don't know what is true and what isn't?"

"We aren't telling you, because we don't want you to hate yourself, or blame yourself for something you didn't do," Patton spoke up from behind him. "There are things about yourself that may be best left unsaid, but, if you need to know, we can sit down, and talk about it over dinner."

Virgil glanced at Patton and sighed. He didn't want to argue, but he didn't know another way he could get his point across. He didn't know what was going on anymore, and he wanted to be able to figure out what was going on.

"Okay." He sighed and nodded. "Over dinner. I need to know everything."


Ove dinner, they sat, and for a while, it was awkward, no one knew where to begin. They wanted to talk about it, and Virgil wanted to know, but he didn't know the questions to ask, in order to get the answers he needed.

"Your parents don't know about it." Logan started. "So going to them for answers wouldn't have yielded results, same with Roman. He may be your best friend, but he doesn't know. Patton and I are the only ones who do know."

"When we first started being friends and considering forming a relationship, you were pretty bad with your self-harm, and more than once, you would really hurt yourself, and damage yourself." Patton continued. "One day, you were alone, and you made yourself bleed... You stained the rug..."

"At least we thought you had." Logan let Patton calm down slightly. "When we saw the cuts on your arm, we were convinced we'd lost you. We rushed you to your room and lay you on your bed, and in moving you, we aggravated the wounds. A single drop of blood fell to the carpet, and a single flower bloomed."

"Shadow Blood," Patton muttered. "A flower that very few have a connection to, and when one does, they can become deadly to those around them, if not watched."

"This flower sat in the middle of the room for a while, I patched you up, and Patton studied the flower. It's deadly..."

"Anyone within a one-meter radius of it, for too long, could end up dead. You walked in on us discussing it after we had disposed of it, and you looked so panicked, and we didn't think we could put you through that again."

"We removed your memories of it, wanting to keep you safe and making sure you didn't do it again." Logan finished.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why did you wait until now? It's been three years since that happened?"

"Because we were so scared we'd lose you, that you'd go back to that state of mind, and that we wouldn't be able to save you a second time. Virgil, we love you, and we don't want things to go bad again. If that happened again, and neither of us could save you..." Patton trailed off and squeezed his hand slightly. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself. You're not a monster, this doesn't define you. You're strong, and the longer you go without creating any of these flowers, the weaker the bond it has with you becomes."

"So, if I happened to bleed again, and a drop fell to the floor, it would create a flower, that could eventually kill someone?"


Virgil pushed his chair away from the table, suddenly not hungry. "I have the power to kill someone, and you didn't tell me! I... Why are you here with me? Why didn't you... How could you not tell me? I thought we agreed to always be honest with one another, and I find out you kept this huge secret from me?"

"Virgil, we did it to keep you safe, we didn't want things to happen, and to have to almost lose you again." Logan reached out to him.

"No! I don't want anything to do with you guys! How could you!" Virgil reached up to wipe the tears that had begun to fall. "I thought I was normal... You let me believe I was normal, whilst you had these... Powers and I had one too, but you didn't want me to know because I was a danger to others."

"You're not a danger anymore, we know that we just don't want you to get hurt and for someone to find out, and take advantage."

"No one will. I'm done here." He walked off, and out of the house, not caring about anything more they had to say. They betrayed his trust, and it was going to take a long time before he could find it in him to forgive them.

He was so lost in thought, he didn't see or hear the dark figure behind him until it was too late.

1518 words

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