Again Pt 3 (Analogical)

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I have a joint account, and I need someone to help me run it, and I was hoping someone would want to. If you read some of my old stuff, or follow that account, you know which one it is, but I need the help with it, because I can't always upload there, I don't want to delete it, so if you want to help me with it, DM me.


T.W. Maybe?

"I hate you."  The words ran around Patton's head, and he felt awful, knowing what Virgil was going through. He hadn't meant for it to happen that way, he hadn't meant to upset Virgil. He knew Logan was in the same boat as he was, and he thought that if they spoke about it, then they would be able to work through it and fix it all.

"You didn't mean to upset him further, you don't need to feel so bad." Roman reassured his fretting boyfriend.

"He hates me."

"No. He doesn't. He just found it easier to lash out, than break down."

Patton sighed sadly. "Should I do something?"

"No. We need to stay out of it, it would probably be better. I know you don't like them hurting, but clearly, us getting involved doesn't help."


Virgil shut his bedroom door and slid down to the floor. He was sure everyone else in the mind heard him, and he was going to be the cause of Thomas' headache later one, but in that moment, he didn't care. He'd lashed out at the one person who aimed to help him, and he wasn't sure he'd ever be able to fix it. Not only that, but he'd also more than likely lost the one male he loved more than anything else.

He looked at the framed photo on his desk and sighed. There was no point in leaving it there anymore, Logan clearly wouldn't ever take him back, and he knew there was very little he could do. So, he took down the photo, and shoved it in a box, along with anything from Logan, and it rested in the back of his closet until he got the nerve to return it or destroy it.


1 year later


Virgil sighed and looked at Patton across the room. It had been a year, and he hadn't yet apologised to him for lashing out. He'd undone any progress he'd made, and he was more than likely going to lose everything he had. He'd lost Logan, due to him never leaving his room, and Patton never spoke to him, Roman occasionally sent him a few glances, or they would talk briefly in the hallway, but it never meant anything. Not that it should, Virgil had messed up, and there would be no way to reverse any of it.

He went to his closet and pulled out the box of things from his and Logan's relationship. The more the looked through it, the more he longed for the relationship he lost.

He shoved everything back into the box, and walked to Logan's room, knocking and walking away, leaving the box to be found by Logan.


Logan frowned, no one ever knocked on his door anymore, they fed him, talked to him, and made sure he was still alive, but they never knocked. Although, maybe it was because Patton and Roman had always aimed to look after him, whereas Virgil never came by, and he had no reason to. They'd fallen out, and they'd been hurt, they were never going to patch up their relationship, no matter how much they both wanted to.

He opened the door, and his foot his a box. As he inspected the box, he recognised it to be one of Virgil's. Why would he leave that there? Logan collected it, and shut his door behind him, deciding to look through the box.

Inside sat photos, drawings, writings, clothes and anything else Logan could have ever imagined from their relationship.

Right at the bottom sat a note:


I know we went through a lot, and I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry I messed up, and I don't want things to carry on this way. I miss you. I'm sorry.

- Virgil

Logan's eyes widened and he felt tears filling his eyes. He didn't understand what he was feeling, but he knew he had to fix it all.

He rushed to Virgil's room, and knocked. He wasn't sure what pushed him to hurry to his ex's room, but he had to. His heart was hammering against his chest, and he felt awful about everything that went on between them.


"Logan?" Virgil's eyes widened as they landed on Logan. He was surprised to say the least. No one ever came by his room, and they didn't much care.

"I'm so sorry. For everything, I know I have no right to come back here and ask you to forgive me, especially after all I did, and how I hurt you, but I'm so sorry. I miss you and I hate that I took this long to realise it."

Virgil's brain struggled to form a coherent sentence, and he sighed, pulling Logan into a hug. He'd waited a year for his ex to come back and say those words, and as stupid as it sounded, he was beyond thrilled to have Logan talk to him again, and he loved the feeling of Logan hugging him back.

"I'm sorry. Things should never have been this way."

Logan smiled and looked at Virgil, happy to be talking again. "I may not be good with emotions, and I may hurt you again, but I do not mean to, and I will do my best to think things through before I speak."

Virgil smiled and he let himself be pulled into a kiss.

Maybe things wouldn't ever be perfect, but for now, he had Logan back, and he would be able to rebuild everything.

914 words

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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