It's Scary... Pt 2 (Royality)

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Anyone in the hecking world: What did you have for your dinner/tea

Me: Ice-cream... But I couldn't find any fish in my Ben & Jerry's. I ate them all when I last had my ice-cream. I've been Robbed! 


Me: Oh Fish! Nom nom. Bye bye fishie...

What is my life?


T.W. Suicide (Not explicit or anything. Vaguely mentioned.)

Patton looked down. He knew Roman was there for him, but the crushing weight of reality was too much to bear.

He sighed and pulled himself out of bed, following his routine of getting dressed and avoiding looking in the mirror. He couldn't stand his own reflection, and he wanted to escape the confines of his room. He put on his fake smile, and walked down to the kitchen, to prepare the food for his fellow sides.

Unlike most other days, Roman was the first to walk into the kitchen. "Good morning, Puppy." He walked over and pressed a kiss to his boyfriend's cheek.

"Hi, Ro!" Patton faked his peppy tone of voice, and his smile.

"How are you this morning?" Roman wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist, and watched him make the food.

"I'm fine. And you?" Patton giggled halfheartedly, yet it was played of as real.

"I'm great now!" Patton rolled his eyes fondly, and continued making breakfast.

Logan and Virgil soon walked in, the latter leaning on the former, half asleep. Virgil could sense Patton wasn't feeling happy, and his act was just that, an act, but he was too tired to say anything or begin an argument, and he didn't want to drive a wedge between the two boyfriends in the kitchen.

Patton finished the breakfast and served it up, eating only the bare minimum.

Once they'd finished their meal, they all went off to do their own thing, and by that point, Virgil had woken up enough to talk to Patton.

"Hey Pat?"

"Yeah, Kiddo?"

"What's wrong?" Patton opened his mouth to speak, but Virgil cut him off, "And don't say nothing. I could feel the negativity radiating off you this morning. It was so strong. Please let me help, and if not me, Roman. He cares."

"I know... I just didn't want anyone to worry."

"Well, when I feel that strength of negativity coming from you, I'm going to worry. Please Patton." The aforementioned trait sighed, and hung his head.

"I'm just going through a lot of self hate, and it's hard. I'm sorry to worry you. I'll try and get better."

"You can't just 'get better.' I'd know Patton, I've been there. Talk to someone, let them in and let them help. It does wonders!"

"I'll try."

Patton and Virgil both knew he was lying, and that he wouldn't go to Roman, yet neither said anything. Both went their respective ways to find their respective boyfriends.


The following day, all three sides woke up to a quiet mind. No breakfast cooking, no fake smiles, no overwhelming negativity.

Patton's door had faded overnight, and all three traits were heartbroken. One more than the others, and all three knew, Thomas would never be the same.

461 words

Sorry. I made it sad, and I wasn't going to, but I needed to. I'm sorry.

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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