Logan's Lover Au (Logince)

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Romans POV

I woke up to a scream echoing through the mind, causing me to jump out of bed, and to wherever the sound originated from.

I burst through my boyfriends door, to be met with a girl. Her hair was tucked up into a messy bun, and her glasses were slightly askew. She had a black shirt on, and a pair of skinny jeans.

"Logan?" I asked, and the trait in front of me nodded.

"Help me..." he growled, yet it didn't sound threatening, it seemed rather cute.

I chuckled and pulled him closer, he nuzzled his face into my neck, and sighed.


Logan and Roman spent a while trying to figure out how to reverse the effects of the potion.


A month later, they had figured out one of the many disadvantages to the potion, however this seemed to be worse.

Logan groaned, and curled in on himself further, trying to not cry. "Roman...?"


"It hurts..."

"I know baby. I'm trying to figure out how to reverse it."

"Please come and cuddle with me?"

"Baby, I can't. I want to fix the antidote."

"It can wait. I need you."

"Okay. One second." Roman put down the pen he was using, and made his way over to the bed. "Honey?"

"Hm?" Logan rolled over, his mouth turned to a frown.

"One second." Roman went to his bathroom and turned on the tap, and filling the tub. "Come with me baby." Roman led Logan to the bathroom, and told him to take a bath and relax, that it would help.

Whilst Logan was in the bath, Roman set about washing the clothes he was wearing, and the bed sheets that had been stained. He put Logan's pyjamas through the wash, and got some clean clothes out, and put a comfy t-shirt and trousers on the sink for Logan to change into when he was done in the bath.


A short while later, Logan came out in Roman's oversized shirt, and some tracksuit bottoms. He trudged over to Roman and buried his face in his boyfriend's chest. "Let's lay down for a while?" Roman suggested. Logan nodded, and let himself be lay down.


Whilst Logan slept, Romans mind raced, he wanted to help his boyfriend, but the potion seemed to be difficult to reverse. Or maybe it was just him, maybe it was his lack of experience. How he wanted Logan to help. He knew he would, but it seemed to be more difficult than planned.

"Can I have chocolate?" Logan mumbled, looking up at Roman. The latter nodded and summoned a bar of dark chocolate for the logical lineament.


A few days later, both males were able to get back to working on the antidote.

And by the end of the month, it was finished.


Logan could not have been happier to be back in his own body, but something about him being a female changed their relationship. They'd grown closer, and they'd grown stronger.

497 words

Thank you to everyone who added suggestions for me to write this. Sorry if I didn't use yours, I just kind of bs-ed this.

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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