We Can Be Friends Pt 3 (Virgil x Deceit)

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I'm so confused about myself. Ugh.


T.W. Brief mentions of panic attacks and nightmares.

Roman sighed and watched Virgil and Deceit sat on the beanbag in the corner of the common room. The five traits were having a movie night, and Roman was feeling left out again. He was happy that Virgil found someone else, but part of him wished he hadn't broken up with him, he still loved Virgil, and watching him with someone else broke his heart. His focus turned to Patton and Logan, who were almost as bad, if not worse, than Virgil and Deceit. They were constantly kissing, and cuddling, and making Roman feel even worse. Not that they meant to, they were just happy to be together.

He sighed and left the room, knowing no one would notice his absence. He went to his bedroom, and flopped face first on the bed, biting back a groan. He hated himself, how could he let someone as amazing as Virgil go? He'd lost the single best thing in his life.

Virgil watched Roman leave the room, and excused himself from his boyfriend's arms. He went and knocked on the royal's door. "Roman?" He heard the shuffling of footsteps, and he took a step away from the door.

"Yeah?" The door opened, and Roman looked slightly shocked to see Virgil stood in front of him.

"Are you okay? We were watching Aladdin, and you love that movie, but you just left."

"I'm fine."

"You don't seem fine..." Virgil looked at Roman, concern littering his features.

"I'm fine. It's just hard seeing you happy."

"You left me..."

"I know, and I was a fool for doing so."

"It's too late." Virgil's voice came out in a whisper. "You left me, you broke me, and Deceit picked up the pieces. You lost me, you do not have the right to make me feel bad for moving on."

"I wasn't trying-"

"No, but you did. Please just... Don't."

"I'm sorry." Roman shut the door, leaving Virgil face to face with the auburn wood. The wood that welcomed him when he had nightmares or panic attacks. The door that would open to reveal his lover. The door that now shut him out, and was a barrier between him and Roman. He would be lying if he said he didn't miss Roman, but Roman made his choice, and he made his own. He was happy with Deceit. Right?

Despite his uncertainty, Virgil found himself hoping Roman found happiness.

Roman leaned against the door, his ex lover on the other side. He sighed and let the tears fall. Despite his pain, he hoped Virgil was happy, and that he would stay happy.

Roman didn't care if he hurt, as long as Virgil was happy.

446 words

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Take care

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