Don't Wake Him (LAMP)

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This took longer to write than I had anticipated.

T.W. Nightmare, negativity.

Virgil sighed, and curled in on himself further. He'd woken from a nightmare, one that he could still recall, and it was not pleasant. He felt the tears falling once again, and this time, he couldn't stop them. He was also unable to stop his mind from replaying the nightmare.

"We could never love a disorder" Logan stood in front of him, his tie done up nearly, his shirt sitting normally, his trousers looked smart on him, and he looked like himself. His glasses sat atop his nose, and his hair was done neatly. Virgil looked at him, looked at how perfect he was, how perfectly perfect he was, and fell more in love, despite the fact that he was being awful towards Virgil, the aforementioned trait didn't care. He loved the looks of Logan, loved his actions, his words, him. No matter what was said, Virgil would always love Logan.

Patton came next, his mind distorted Patton, Virgil didn't know what he said, if anything, he was too focused on Patton's looks. His green glasses, broken lenses, causing one eye to remain unfocused. His cat hoodie was torn, his trousers ripped at the base, his mouth was permanently twisted up into a sick grin, one that seemed to suggest "I've just murdered someone and you're next." He has yellow eyes, which seemed to fart everywhere, his teeth seemed sharper than normal, and his body seemed thinner, but he looked fine. Scary, but fine. He wanted to love Patton, but he was unnerved, and couldn't bring himself to think "this is the Patton I know and love, he wouldn't hurt a fly" he just backed away, leaving Patton where he was.

Roman was the last, He came with his sword out, had it pointed towards Virgil, threatening his death. One step closer from either of them, and Virgil would be dead or dying. He watched as Romans eyes lit up with the idea of a potential death, death of someone who bothers Thomas, drags him down, ruins him. Virgil knew he held Thomas back, but he never intended to. He just did his job. Roman looked normal, except the few spatters of blood on his white suit. Were they there before? Why was his abdomen hurting? He looked down, and saw the blood on Romans shirt was his own. Virgil's legs have beneath him, and he coughed, a red substance coming up, and before he knew it, his lids were closing.

That's when he woke up, yet the memory still haunted him. Not only that, but since then, he'd run out of cereal, thanks to Princey, he'd lost his headphones, his phone decided to just die on him, and he couldn't find his boyfriends. He just needed his boyfriends.

He'd ended up curled up on the floor outside his door, crying, he hadn't felt like going into his room, he knew he'd just feel worse. So, he stayed outside his room. He didn't know where his boyfriends were, and he hoped that they'd show up.

Soon enough, Patton showed up, and made his presence known. "Kiddo?" Virgil rolled onto his back, and looked at his boyfriend, who sent him a small smile, "Are you okay?" Virgil just shook his head, and Patton lay on top of him, legs intertwined with Virgil's. Soon enough, Patton fell asleep atop Virgil.

Roman was next, and he stopped out of confusion. "Um..." Virgil looked up at Roman, his eyes still full of tears, and he found himself murmuring. "Don't wake him..." in response, Roman rolled his eyes, and walked to the other side of Virgil, and lay on his side, cuddling into his boyfriends.

Logan was last, he was reading, and when he saw the mess of his boyfriends on the floor, he sighed, yet couldn't resist spending more time with them. So he sat the opposite side of Virgil to Roman, and continued to read.

Virgil smiled and felt comfort at having all three of his boyfriends with him, they made any bad day better.

The four of them stayed on the floor, outside Virgil's room, for a few hours, and all ended up asleep.

692 words

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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