It's Scary... (Royality)

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"I'm fine. I promise." Patton forced a smile, he hoped it looked real, he didn't want them worrying about him, he was okay, he was almost sure. He refused to meet the gaze of the trait in front of him, he didn't want them to see just how broken he was.

"Patton," came the whispered response, "please don't lie to me." Patton lifted his head and met his boyfriend's gaze.

"I'm not lying to you."

"You are! You tell me you're fine, you smile like nothing's wrong, but I see how bad you are, I see how much you're hurting. Why don't you come to me? Why, Patton?" Romans gaze scanned his face.

"I'm not lying to you. I am fine. Nothing is wrong, I'm happy, I'm not hurting. I promise."

"You're hurting. Why won't you let me help?"

"I don't need help." Patton's voice was laced with annoyance, he didn't want anyone to know, they cared and he knew that, but he didn't want them bothered with him. The constant questions were beginning to annoy him, and he just didn't want the hassle.

"Talk to me... Please."

"No. I don't need to talk about anything, nothing is wrong." Patton turned away from Roman, his false smile had gone, he was angry, why couldn't he keep himself together.


"No." He stalked off to his room, and slammed the door shut, Roman didn't care, he just wanted to look like a better boyfriend.

Patton picked up the plush puppy on his bed, and flung it at the wall, feeling slightly satisfied when he heard the thud it made.

He continued to throw pillows and plush toys at the wall, he wasn't willing to damage anything, nothing more than himself. They can't know what goes through his mind on a daily basis.

What he didn't know was a trait was stood by his door, wanting to talk to him, wishing he'd stop throwing things, and just talk.


Virgil sighed sadly as he watched Patton throw more pillows at the wall, he wanted to be able to go over to him and stop it, but he couldn't. He couldn't pluck up the courage and walk over to his dad and stop it. He left the doorway, and went to find Roman, since he was sure that Roman would be able to stop him.


Roman walked over to his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around his waist. "Patton, please." The aforementioned trait went limp in his arms, and allowed Roman to take him to the bed.

"Patton, talk to me."

"I-I'm not o-okay..."

"I know." Roman pulled Patton closer to him, and held him against his chest. "Please talk to me."

"My emotions are haywire, and I want it to stop, my mind tells me I'm useless, and I don't deserve you. I'm sorry Roman..." Patton's voice was steady, and firm, contrasting his state from seconds prior.

"You have no reason to apologise, nor do you have any reason to think you are not worthy of this relationship. You are special, and worth every second I spend with you. I love you Patton, and I don't like knowing you think like this."

"Well I do, and you'll have to deal with it, I don't care what you say, nothing will change."

"I'm not going anywhere, I will take all the time you need to make sure you are doing better, and I want you to talk to me whenever you feel down."

"I will."

Little did either of them know, Patton wouldn't talk to Roman, and they would both suffer greatly for it.

600 words

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