Spider Au (Platonic Moxiety)

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BearLover115 I'm getting through some of the things... sort of...

I'm working on a piece of writing, that's not a fan fiction, and I was wondering if I should upload it here when it's done, or not. Opinions?

Also, why does the text look different?

Virgil trotted to the living room, his tail in the air, ears propped back, and he flinched slightly as a scream escaped another trait. He ran to them, and saw Patton with a spider on the sofa.

He popped up over the back of the sofa, and Patton was freaking out, which gave Virgil a fun idea.

He hopped over the sofa, and pounced on the spider, careful as to not hurt it. He heard Patton let out a sigh of relief, and that's when the fun really began.

He picked the spider up in his mouth, and crawled over to Patton, whose face dropped, and he braced himself to run away.

Virgil spat the spider out in Patton's direction, and watched with an amused smile as Patton ran off to Logan, most likely.

Content with his mischief, he hummed to himself, and ran off to hide, hoping they'd forget about it before they next saw him. A foolish thought, he knew, but it was always fun.

He smiled, and lay in the middle of his bed, curled in a ball.


When the logical trait found him, he couldn't help but leave Virgil be, since he looked adorable, but his cuteness wouldn't always be able to get him out of trouble.

But for now? It sure worked.

217 words

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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