See My Lies (Moxiety) {Angst}

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Before we get into the angsty stuff (hehe) if I were to upload anything on my account (I'm thinking of making a new book for all this kind of stuff) what would you like to see (Literally anything I'm going to be working on Undertale, Creepypasta, Eddsworld and possibly more) so literally, just let me know what you'd like to see, even more Sander's Sides stuff if you want. Just comment, and I'll do what I can :).


Pure angst

T.W. Death, Self hate, negativity, blood, death... (Angsty angst. Read at your own risk.)

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He smiled through the pain, he hid his demons behind his words, and promised himself he wouldn't let them see him crack. He wouldn't let them see his truth, his lies were all that mattered, and he didn't care. As long as he was breathing, they wouldn't see him the way he saw himself.


"Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." If his lies were weakening, he didn't care, he was weakening, and he didn't want to live anymore. He would never admit it to them though, he didn't see any need to, they didn't care. They just wanted him to do his job He was just another worker who would be replaced if he left.


It wasn't until he met him that his lies became completely transparent. He saw through him, and he never realised how bad it could get without any help.

He always wanted them to see how bad he felt, but he was never willing to let them see how bad he really was, but when someone saw through him, it made him realise that he was worth it. He was worth the help, and he was worth having people around.


"Pat?" He called out into the quiet house. He was worried, his boyfriend hadn't called him at lunch, the way he normally would, and Virgil was beyond worried. He knew how bad his boyfriend could get, and he feared the worst.

He rushed to the bathroom they shared, and knocked. He tried the handle, and to his surprise, it opened. The room was empty, and he didn't know where else Patton would be.

He rushed to their bedroom, and there was no note, no Patton, nothing. The house was completely empty, and he was worried about where his boyfriend could have gone.

He'd had no call from the hospital, or any of Patton's friends, and he didn't know what he could do, he could go and search the town, but it was too big for Patton to be found in time.

A voice in the back of Virgil's mind nagged him, told him he should have gone home at lunch, when he never got the call from Patton, but he didn't want it to be true. He didn't want his boyfriend to have done something stupid, he didn't want to have lost him. They helped each other in more ways than they realised, and Virgil wouldn't know what to do without Patton.

He went to the front door, and took his phone out of his jacket pocket, having hung it up when he got home.

No calls, no texts from Patton. There was one text from Logan.

Logan: I'm sorry. I tried to stop him. He wouldn't listen. He got it into his head that it was the right thing to do.

Virgil's eyes filled with tears, and he looked at the time stamp from the text. 3m ago. Three minutes?

He dialed Logan's number and waited anxiously for him to pick up. His thumb nail was between his teeth, pulling at it, his left foot tapping against the carpeted floor. Pick up. Pick up. Pick up.


"Logan? It's Virigl. What happened? Is he okay? What did he do? What happened?" He rushed out. He was too anxious for anything to be sugarcoated, he wanted to know what happened, and he wanted to know now.

"He came over to our place, and told me he was leaving. He didn't say where he was going, and he wouldn't let me stop him. He gave me a note, told me to leave you out of it. I figured out where he was going. You may have time to stop him. He told me to stay home. I told Roman to follow him, but I haven't heard anything from either of them, and I don't know what's going on. He seemed so distressed, and I worry about his health. I called the police, they said they'd do what they could. I haven't heard anything yet. I am so sorry."

"Where is he?"

"The forest, near the creek."

"No. No No No...." Virgil opened his front door, and bolted out, not caring about locking it. He ran, ignoring any voices complaining at him, and he ignored Logan's voice calling him through the phone.

He rushed through the brambles, and leaves, he pushed through until he made it to the creek.

"Where? Where by the creek?" He muttered, half to Logan, half to himself.

"I don't know." Logan sounded beside himself, and Virgil sensed so much guilt coming from him.

Virgil felt his phone buzz against his ear, and he pulled it away, seeing a text from Patton.

Pat: I'm sorry I couldn't be stronger.

In the distance, Virgil heard a gunshot, and he ran towards the noise, ignoring the way his heart dropped.

Please. No. Patton, don't have done this. Please.

His eyes filled with tears, and he reached a clearing in the woods.

In the center lay a body. On the other side of the clearing, a figure emerged. One he recognised to be Roman.

"Too late..." Virgil muttered into the phone. "I was too late." His knees buckled beneath him, and he sunk to the ground, sobbing into his knees, unable to look at the blood spattered body in the center.

A hand rested on his shoulder, and he tuned into the voices around him.

"I'm so sorry." Roman murmured, and helped him to his feet. "I wish I'd gotten here in time."

"I was so close... I was right there, and I was too late. I lost him. He's gone." He broke down in his friend's arms, and he dropped his phone, forgetting about Logan being on the line.


Virgil soon moved in with Roman and Logan, who watched him to make sure he didn't do something stupid.

If only he'd seen through Patton's lie that morning.

"I'm fine."

No. No you weren't, and I couldn't see that. I'm sorry. I failed you.

1002 words

I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm really not. I haven't written angst in a while.

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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