You're Leaving? (LAMP) {Fluff}

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It's not really angsty, I promise (just arguments and deception basically)

T.W. Anger, Sadness, Deception, Cavity-Inducing Fluffy Ending.

Patton smiled, and looked into the commons at his two boyfriends. They were cuddled up against one another, talking about the homework they had gotten that day, yet made no move to get it done, they would much rather sit and watch whatever movie they had playing on the TV.

The four boyfriends had gone to Logan's house, but since they'd arrived, Logan had disappeared, and left them to do what they please, which meant Virgil and Roman sat watching TV, and Patton decided to make some food for the four of them.

Normally, on an evening like this, the four would cuddle for a while, then Patton and Virgil would make food, whilst they talked about their day, more importantly, the classes they didn't share, and then, after they'd eaten and tidied the kitchen, which usually fell to Logan and Roman, they would sit and do their homework, where they could help one another if needed, and by the end of all that, they would cuddle on the sofa, and fall asleep cuddled against one another, ready to spend the weekend together.

"Pat, do you need a hand?" Virgil appeared in the doorway to the kitchen, making him jump. "Sorry." He muttered, noticing Patton jumping from the fright.

"It's okay, Virge, what did you ask?"

"I asked if you needed a hand, you're cooking, right?"

"Yes, I am, and a hand would be great." Patton smiled weakly, and looked back at Roman, still not seeing Logan. "Where is he?"



"I don't know. I'm sorry, Pat." Virgil smiled, and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's shoulders, pulling him in for a hug.

"Pat?" Roman stood in the doorway.


"Do you need me to get him?"

"Only if you want." Patton buried his face in Virgil's hair, and sighed. "He's been so distant lately, it's worrying."

"Yeah, I noticed that too, but I'm sure there's an explanation."

Patton nodded, and pulled back, tilting Virgil's head up. "You are too good for us sometimes, you know that?"

Virgil blushed, and pulled away from Patton, shaking his head. "I'm not. I'm just me... Boringly, average me."

Patton smiled, and watched as Virgil clumsily crashed into Roman, and squeaked, forgetting he was there.

Roman wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist, and pressed a kiss to his temple. "You're not boring or average. You are perfect, and amazing, and I love you so much, as does Patton and Logan."

Virgil flushed a darker shade of red, and felt a hand tilt his head up, and he met the gaze of Patton, who smiled fondly, and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked, tracing Virgil's cheek.

"Yeah." Virgil smiled, and let Patton press his lips to his, feeling Roman's arms drop from his waist, only to be replaced by Patton's.

Patton soon disconnected their lips, and looked at him, seemingly happier than before.

"Is that offer for help still on the table?"

"Yes." Virgil smiled, and pecked Patton's lips once more, before the two moved about the kitchen, preparing food.


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