You Dont Know... (Analogical)

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T.W. Maybe?

Logan groaned and lay back on his bed, he didn't want to get out of bed that morning, but his friends had other ideas. He'd been dragged out of bed at 6am, and forced into movies and games with them for the entirety of the day. It didn't help that he felt so lousy, and he was paired with his crush and forced to watch Patton and Roman being intimate and lovey dovey.


Virgil was bored, he wanted to go and talks to Logan, but he was afraid of bothering him. If it weren't for Roman and Patton being in a relationship, he would have gone to one of them. Which was how he ended up in Logan's room, trying to get him to open up.

"You don't know what I'm going through!" Logan's hands had been at his hair, and it was sticking up, his eyes were rimmed red, and Virgil was beyond concerned.

"I don't know? Why don't you try me? I've been through more than you realise." Virgil spoke with hints of offence in his voice, yet seemed calm, and gentle.

"You don't understand!"

"Try me."

"I'm an unemotional robot, who no one likes, and cannot seem to do anything right, even when I think it is right. I hate myself, despite how illogical it is, I cannot find one thing I like about myself. I serve no purpose to Thomas, and he would be better off without me. I cannot stand looking in a mirror, and I can not understand emotions enough to get the person I like to like me back." He ran a hand through his hair, exasperated.

Virgil sighed, and looked down. "Are you really that clueless, Logan? That is how I have felt since I was first formed. I'm not good enough. I'm a disorder. I'm pathetic and useless, and serve no purpose!"

"But you are worth it, and you do have a purpose."

"And so do you. Don't you see? You tell me things, and I don't believe you, but it works both ways. You're saying you don't belong and Thomas would be better off without you, but you're wrong. Dammit Logan, you're wrong. You matter so much to Thomas, to Patton, to Roman."

"And what about you?"

"Me? Logan, you're my world, I care about you more than anything else. You're the reason I get out of bed in the morning, and you're the reason I do my job. You're everything and more to me." Virgil paused, contemplating his next words. "I love you Logan, and it took me way too damn long to realise that. Do you want to know what I think of you? Heck, I'm telling you. I see this smart male, that tells Thomas everything he knows, I see someone who retains so much knowledge its amazing that his head isn't the size of the moon. I see someone who pretends they don't care, but deep down, every snarky remark, every negative comment towards him breaks him a little further. I see someone who is stronger than anyone else in this Mind, because he somehow keeps us grounded, and without him... Thomas would be pathetic. I see someone I fall more in love with everyday, and I don't care. I'd choose him over anyone else, any day." Virgil looked up at Logan, and saw tears in his eyes.

"You mean that?"

"Of course I do. Why would I lie to you? It would be highly illogical."

Logan cracked a smile, and rushed over to pull Virgil into a hug. "Thank you."

Virgil's heart beat wildly against his chest, he knew he'd put a lot out there by telling Logan he loved him, but despite his anxiety, he didn't care.

"And for the record, Virgil?"


"I love you too." Virgil's face lit up, and he grinned.

"May I kiss you?"

"You may." Logan nodded and let Virgil pull him closer.

Their lips met, and their kiss was slow, yet neither cared much. To anyone else, it meant little, but to them, it seemed like their lifeline. They soon parted, and rested their foreheads together.

"If you ever feel like this again, please come to me." Virgil murmured.

"I will." Logan smiled. He led them over to his bed, and the two sat and cuddled until night fell, and sleep descended upon them.

726 words


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