Crown Pt 3 (Analogical)

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Guess who finally got her sequel to You Can Do Better out? This Gal! I've been working on getting a chapter out every day, obviously, I can't do one on a Saturday and Tuesday, as easily. But I'm trying to get 1 1,000 word chapter out daily. Some will be better than others, but yeah... For those of you who read that, there's the sequel. It's called "Keep Moving Forward." Enjoy!

This took me over an hour to write, and I hope it's good. (Also it's now 1 am, and I have yet to go to bed. But I have my reasons. 6/5/18-6/6/18)

T.W. Anxiety. Possibly more. I don't really know.

Virgil ran. He ran until his legs gave out beneath him, he ran until he couldn't breathe, and he ran until he was sure no one was behind him.

He collapsed against a tree in the imagination, and he let the tears fall freely. He slid to the grass covered ground, and pulled his knees to his chest, using them as the only form of comfort available.

How could Logan do that to him? He knew he wasn't the world's best boyfriend or anything, but that didn't mean Logan should go and cheat on him! He pulled his legs tighter against himself, and rested his head on them, letting sleep pull him under.


Logan walked around the Mind, hand running through his hair, how could he have been so foolish? He knew Roman would be hurt, but the sequence of events made little to no sense to him. Why would Patton do that to him? Why would Roman? He thought they were happy for Virgil and him.

He sighed and went to another part of the Mind, hoping to find his boyfriend and explain, and then have the both of them corner Roman and Patton to figure out what the heck was going on.


Virgil sighed and woke up to someone prodding his shoulder. "What?" He groaned, annoyed that someone woke him up.

"Rise and shine, Sunshine." Roman's voice filtered into his ears and he shot up, furious.

"How could you let Patton do that?"

"What?" Roman feigned innocence, which caused Virgil's blood to boil.

"You knew Logan and I were together, and you let Patton kiss my boyfriend!"

"I don't think he's your boyfriend anymore, sweetie, I saw him and Patton getting pretty cosy in the commons."

Virgil's eyes filled with tears, and he couldn't tell if Roman was serious or not. "You're lying." He hissed.

"If only I was." Roman shrugged nonchalantly.

"Prove it."

Roman pulled his phone out, and showed him a picture of his boyfriend and Patton in their onesies. "I-I... I don't believe you... It could have been a movie night a while ago..."

"But it isn't. Logan just doesn't love you anymore."

Virgil choked out a sob, and hugged himself, hoping it wasn't true. Logan loved him. He wouldn't do anything like that. Would he?


Logan sighed and felt himself be pulled into a dark room. "Don't struggle." A voice cooed in his ear, causing him to freeze.


"Yes, Love."

"What are you doing? I thought you cared for Virgil. Why would you do this to him?"

"He hurt my Roman, I won't stand for it."

"He did not mean- your Roman?"

"Yes, didn't you know? I lay claim to him since I met him. He's mine, and Virgil hurt him. You both must pay."

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