Introduction Pt3

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T.W. Mentions of death.

Virgil sighed as he waited for his brother to come home. Patton had said he was going over to Logan's house for a play date, and his mum would bring him home. At the mention of the word mum, he fell back into his depressed state. Most of the time he would try to act happy when his brother was home because he knew how hard it must be on Patton too. But try as he might, sometimes, he couldn't maintain the happiness he felt when he had Roman and his mum. Even if she forgot who he and Patton were at times, he didn't mind, at least she was there.

Losing Roman had taken a bigger toll on him in the long run, he had yet to go back to school, and it had been almost a month. He'd received multiple calls from the school, and he knew he needed to let them know everything, but he was too anxious to leave the house. He also needed to get over Roman, and not let the idea of seeing him again bother him, but he couldn't.

A knock at the door pulled him from his trance of staring at the wall, and he sighed, knowing he really ought to answer it. He pulled his hoodie tighter around him and walked to the front door, pulling it open, not really in the mood to talk to anyone.

"Virgil? Oh my... You look terrible." A familiar voice spoke, causing his head to snap up, and his jaw hit the floor. He wasn't sure what to say, Roman had been gone for a month, then just shows up and says that he looks terrible? That's one way to come back into someone's life.

"What do you want?" Virgil asked, annoyed, his voice hoarse from lack of use, he'd even stopped talking to Patton as a general rule.

"What happened?"

"Don't act like you don't know! You left..."

"I mean... I don't mean with that, why haven't you been in school?"

"I've not had the energy, or motivation. My mum died right after you walked away from me, and I haven't known what to do since. I lost the two people I care most about. Don't even think about just walking back into my life after everything you did."

"You need someone..."

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not."

"Don't remind me."

"Let me help. Please? Patton found me and explained everything."

"The boy is smart, I'll give him that..."

"He is. But he loves you more than anything, and he's worried about you."

"I'm worried about me..." Virgil sighed and looked down, stepping to the side, letting Roman into his house. "I've wanted you to come back for a month, and now you're here, I don't know what to do." He shut the door, and turned to his boyfriend, if he could be called that anymore.

"I'm sorry about that morning. My dad got really mad that I was late, and that it was because I was with you. He told me I had to leave you, and we got into this huge fight, he said you aren't good for me. I didn't know what to do. I love you, and I made a huge mistake. I should have called you, text you, anything, and I didn't. I left you to suffer, but now? Please let me in, I can help you get back onto your feet. I'm planning on moving out of my house, and I can help you with school and all that. Please?"

Virgil looked down, trying to suppress the first smile he'd felt in weeks. "Okay."


"Okay. Please help me."

Roman smiled and pulled Virgil into a hug, careful of any pain he may be in. In that moment, they vowed to talk to each other about anything, and to let the other help when needed.

When Patton came home, he was thrilled to see the two boyfriends curled up together on the sofa, and he was happy to see his brother with a smile on his face.

Things didn't go smoothly at first, but after a few months, Virgil was healthy, and back in school. Roman had moved in with them, and Logan came around to play with Patton once a week, and they were all considerably happier.

719 words

Finally finished this...

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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