Decorating The Tree (LAMP) {Fluff}

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Patton loved his boyfriends, which was why he was so thrilled about spending Christmas with them. It was their first Christmas since they began their relationship. He'd spent the pervious Christmas with Roman, but not too long after, they'd realised their feelings for the other two sides, and much to their surprise, Logan and Virgil felt the same way. They'd spent all their birthdays together, but Patton was most excited about Christmas.

He was excited to kiss them under the mistletoe, to share sappy gifts, and comments, whilst being sincere, and fond at the same time. He was excited to cook lunch with Virgil, and dance around the kitchen with him, all the while peppering kisses to his face, before stopping and sharing one long kiss whilst the last few things cooked. He couldn't wait to sit cuddled up to Roman after they'd all eaten too much, that they couldn't physically move, and Roman holding him close, wanting to be even closer, despite how impossible it would be for them to get closer. He couldn't wait to play Scrabble, and any other game they could think of, and have Logan beat them all, even though he'd try not to, because he knew how much they all liked to win. And at the end of it all, they would retire to their room, and cuddle until the fell asleep, forgetting to tidy up, forgetting about dessert, and forgetting about how annoying it was to tidy up when they woke up the following morning.

Patton smiled and looked at the tree, between Roman and Logan, they'd finally got it stood upright, and ready to be decorated. He glanced at Virgil, who was sat, curled up under a blanket on the sofa, cuddling a hot chocolate. He then looked to Logan, who was still wearing his sweater, despite all the physical movement. Both the more left brained traits seemed to feel the cold more than either Roman or Patton.

"C'mon Virge, come decorate with us?" Patton smiled, and beckoned Virgil over, but frowned when he shook his head. Patton walked over to the sofa, and sat next to his youngest boyfriend, who turned his head to see him. "What's wrong, love?" He murmured, and pressed a quick kiss to Virgil's forehead.

"I'm cold. I'd rather not decorate, please?" Virgil smiled weakly, and frowned when he looked at Roman and Logan, who were tangled in the lights they were supposed to be detangling. "I just feel like I'd be in the way, and it's probably best if I stay out of the way."

Patton frowned, and tilted Virgil's head back to face him. "You will not be in the way, we want you to be there, and to help us, we work on this together, like we did last year, and the year before." Patton smiled, trying to reassure Virgil, but it seemed to be failing.

"I wasn't there the year before, you didn't like me... Well, they didn't." Virgil glanced at their boyfriends, and sighed. "Last year, I didn't do anything, I watched, and you guys didn't seem to notice, Logan did, but only after you'd finished." Virgil let go of the mug with one hand, and reached it up to hold onto Patton's wrist, smiling weakly. "I'm better off out of the way, I won't ruin Roman and Logan's idea of 'perfect'."

"Virge, the tree will never be perfect, our colours all clash, and we don't care about consistency, it's our tree, and it's supposed to be messy, and the only perfect thing about it, is that it's perfectly us."

"I don't have any decorations. I didn't summon any last year." At this, Patton knew he'd succeeded in getting Virgil to help. He snapped his fingers, and the lights lay at Roman and Logan's feet, and another box appeared, labelled 'Virgil'.

Patton smiled, and pressed a soft kiss to Virgil's lips, happy when he responded positively. Once they parted, Patton took the mug from Virgil, and set it on the coffee table, and took the blanket, and draped it over the back of the sofa. They stood, and made their way over to the tree, were their boyfriends were waiting.

"Glad you could join us." Roman smiled, and pressed a kiss to Virgil's temple, making him flush slightly, and turn away.

"Yeah, whatever." He muttered, and Patton smiled at his boyfriends.

The four of them set about decorating the tree, placing baubles here, there and everywhere. Red and blue together, red and black, blue and black, and purple all over the place, with some silver and gold dotted about, tying the whole thing together.

Virgil smiled as the lights were turned on, and Patton wrapped his arm around Virgil's waist, holding him close.

"I love you." Patton murmured, and Virgil looked down, a red hue on his cheeks. "So much. Don't ever think you're in the way with us, we love you for you, and we love having you around."

"Thanks, I love you too." Virgil turned to face him, and connected their lips, humming happily when he felt another pair of hands around his waist. He pulled away from Patton and glanced behind him, seeing Logan with a small smile on his face. Behind Patton, Roman stood, doing the same thing.

They stood that way for a while, before Patton had a lightbulb moment, and Virgil couldn't help but smile.

"The star!" He grinned, as he held it up for Virgil to take. "You should do it."

Virgil glanced at Roman, and then to Logan, who nodded, and he took the star. He glanced at Patton who smiled reassuringly, and told him it would be fine.

He used one hand to hold the star, and the other to hold onto Logan's hand, not quite ready to let go of him yet. As he stepped up to the tree, he felt Logan wrap his arms around his waist again, and he smiled fondly.

Virgil looked up, and sighed. "I don't think I can reach..."

"Watch." Logan murmured, and moved one of his hands to hold Virgil's wrist, guiding it up to the top of the tree.

With a bit of help, Virgil sat the star on the top of the tree, and smiled weakly.

"Thanks." He murmured, and turned to face Logan, smiling at his boyfriend. "Kiss me?"

"Of course." Logan smiled, and connected their lips, holding Virgil close. Virgil's arms draped over Logan's shoulders, and he smiled into the kiss as Logan traced patterns on his sides.

"No fair." They heard Roman pout, and they parted, small smiles adorning their faces. "Virgil gets to kiss you both, but he hasn't kissed me yet.

Virgil rolled his eyes, and detangled himself from Logan, and moved over to Roman, noticing how his clothes were slightly creased.

"You've probably already kissed Patton and Logan, and you don't see me complaining."

"So? I need you now."

Virgil smiled fondly, and reached up to wrap his arms around Roman's shoulders, pulling him in for a soft kiss, feeling warmer when Roman wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist.

When they parted, the four moved to the sofa, and cuddled for the evening, watching Disney movies until they fell asleep in one another's arms, finally feeling warm enough that they weren't shivering, and cool enough that they weren't dying of heat.

1223 words

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Take care

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