Snuggles (LAMP) {fluff}

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Virgil sighed sadly, and watched from the doorway as his boyfriends snuggled. It wasn't that he didn't want to join them, it was more that he had been in a bad mood, and ended up exploding at all of them, including Thomas, during the recording for a video.

He smiled weakly, and padded over, sitting on the end of the sofa, leaving a large gap between him and Roman.

Before long, Roman noticed his presence and alerted the other two, who saw the sadness in his eyes.

Patton was the first to move, and pull Virgil into the enter of their cuddle pile.

"I'm sorry." He murmured, staring at the TV, too scared to do anything or say anything else.

"It's okay. Are you okay?" Patton presses a kiss to his head.

"I am now." Virgil smiled and buried himself further into his boyfriends' hold.

The four of them stayed that way for the rest of the evening, and Virgil felt instantly better, knowing his boyfriends didn't blame him, and still loved him.

173 words

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