Summer (Prinxiety)

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T.W. Dysphoria? (I know very little about this kind of thing, so please bare with me. I'm still learning.)

It was summer, and Virgil hated it.He hated feeling sweaty in his hoodie and jeans, he hated sitting by a fan all day because it messed up his hair, and he hated the humidity in the air. He knew he could take off his hoodie, or put some shorts on, but he hated his body more than he hated the summer. He knew it was foolish, and his boyfriend had given him plenty of reasons why he shouldn't hate his body, but that didn't change his mind. In his eyes, he was too fat, his thighs were too big, his body was the wrong shape, and it didn't suit him. He would rather suffer in the heat than take off his hoodie and jeans, and expose himself. He knew his boyfriend wouldn't judge him, but the 'what ifs' continued to swirl through his mind.

Roman was beginning to worry. Virgil hadn't left his room in almost a week. It didn't seem as though he didn't want the company, or that he was avoiding them, it seemed like he was getting more and more self-conscious. Not that he had any reason to be, he was stunning, but Roman knew he had confidence issues.

Roman made his way to Virgil's room, and knocked. He knew Virgil would be in there, he had everything he needed, and since they were aspects of a personality, they didn't need to eat, but they all did, just to be safe, and Virgil had a small fridge in his room. Upon getting no reply, Roman knocked again. He didn't want to walk in, he knew how Virgil got about that sometimes.

"Virgil?" Roman tried, hoping his voice would be enough to encourage Virgil to answer the door.

"In a minute." Virgil's voice came back, slightly shaky.

After a few moments, Virgil opened the door, his hair sticking up slightly, and his eyes slightly red and puffy. He kept his gaze down, and his hoodie tight around his torso.

"Are you alright?" Roman noticed the sweat beading on Virgil's forehead and ushered him into his room, shutting the door behind them.

"Mhm." Virgil refused to speak, though Roman was unsure why.


"I don't know."

"What do you mean?" Roman took one of Virgil's hands and led him to the bed, letting him sit in front of the fan, and cool down slightly.

"I just... Why are you with me?"

"Because I love you."

"But why?" Virgil looked up at Roman, eyes full of tears, causing Roman to pull him into a hug.

"Because I see you for you, not for your body."

"I hate it."

"I know, we can figure it all out, you know that. You know I will do anything I can to help you."

"I know. But I still don't get it." Virgil's words sounded forced, and Roman knew he was trying to hold himself together.

"You don't have to. Just know that I love you. More than anything." Roman pressed a soft kiss to Virgil's temple. "How about, you take a shower, and we can snuggle and watch something?"

Virgil nodded, and went to take his shower.

Whilst he was in there, Roman looked around his boyfriend's room, as he did so, his eyes landed on a t-shirt and shorts that lay in a pile on the floor. He frowned, was that why he took so long to answer the door. The clothing didn't seem to be anything Virgil had worn before.

Roman engulfed Virgil in a hug as soon as he came out of the shower.

"Were you wearing shorts and a shirt when I knocked earlier?"

"Oh..." Virgil's eyes wandered to the small pile of clothing on the floor, and he blushed. "Yeah."

He looked down, avoiding his torso, knowing if he looked there, he would feel worse.

"You could have answered the door like that, I wouldn't have said anything."

"I know, but it was for my comfort."

"I know. I love you."

"I love you too."

Roman held Virgil close, the hug saying more than any words could.


Virgil looked up at him, and nodded. "Please."

Roman smiled and took Virgil's hand, leading him to the bed, where they lay and cuddled, occasionally sharing a small kiss, before falling asleep together, knowing that they would work together to help Virgil feel better.

724 words

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