We Can Be Friends (Prinxiety)

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It will have a part 2.

T.W. Suicide attempt.

"We can be friends..." Roman tried, looking at his now ex boyfriend's tears, he hated seeing Virgil so upset, but he couldn't help it. He just couldn't stand being with Virgil anymore, he knew it was harsh, but he couldn't deal with it. He needed time to himself, and he couldn't handle himself, let alone a boyfriend.

"We can't be 'just friends' it doesn't work like that. Not when there are still romantic feelings on one side. So no. We can't." Romans gaze dropped as he heard the pain in Virgil's voice. "I thought you loved me." A whisper followed on, and Romans gaze met Virgil's.

"I did... I do... But I can't..."

"Why? Why can't you? Am I not good enough? Was I too much? Was I clingy? Did I do a bad job of expressing my love to you? Why? Why can't you love me?" Virgil had tears streaming down his face, and his words grew louder, until he was almost screaming at the royal.

"I just... I need time for me. You keep... You're a lot to deal with at times and I need to get away."

"You're leaving me for selfish reasons? Instead of talking to me, you're just going to leave me in the dark?"

"I'm sorry." Roman walked away, leaving Virgil a crying mess outside his room.

Virgil sunk to the floor, and pulled his knees to his chest. He was vulnerable, yet he didn't care, he wished the previous few minutes hadn't happened. What did he do wrong?

He huffed and went to the fatherly facets door, and was greeted with a smiling face. "Virgil?" Patton frowned slightly.

"I need you..." He sniffled, and he looked at Patton with pleading eyes. He watched as Patton glanced behind him into his room. "I'm sorry kiddo, now isn't a good time."


"I'm sorry." Patton shut the door, leaving Virgil to break down, once again.

He ran.

He ran until his legs gave out, until he couldn't breathe. When he stopped, it was dark, he was deep into the mind, yet he didn't care. He needed to have someone. Anyone. But no one cared.

He looked down, and saw the void below. One step is all it would take. They'd forget about him, and he'd make everyone happier.

"Virgil?" A voice rang out behind him. He sighed and turned around, coming face to face with the half snake trait.

"What?" He muttered.

"You were not going to jump?"

"Yeah... I was..." he scratched the back of his neck, and looked down at his feet. He felt arms wrap around him.

"I..." the lying trait caught himself, and corrected his lies. "I need you." He spoke earnestly. "I care. Please don't."

"I need to. They don't care! I'm too much for them to handle. They don't want me!" He tried to thrash about, and escape the grip of the snake like side, yet his grip was firm.

"Please. Don't do it. I'll prove to you why you should stay."

"It won't work." Venom seeped into Virgil's voice, he hadn't meant to, it just happened. He was trying to protect himself.

"Please. 7 days. That's all I ask." Virgil went limp in Deceit's arms, and sighed.

"5 days." He muttered. "If it doesn't work, then I'm gone."

"Okay. Thank you." He two walked back to the anxious aspects room, allowing him to fall asleep, and for Deceit to plan how he was going to prove to Virgil how much he was worth it.

587 words

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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