Day 7: Roman's Pet

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This is my favourite one to date. Aha. It's so cute.

No I didn't spend an hour talking to FandomsUnited_Always about everything to do with Ra and the sides

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No I didn't spend an hour talking to FandomsUnited_Always about everything to do with Ra and the sides. And I definitely didn't start fangirling over it. Hahahahaha. What are you talking about?

It was no secret that Roman had a dragon as a pet. It may not have been the most ideal pet, and the others may have been skeptical about having him around, but he was cute, and ended up being a great helper around the mind. He may have been mischievous, but he was a baby, they couldn't really blame him.


"Roman has your dragon stolen my headphones again?" Virgil called to the royal trait through his door.

"Don't blame him every time you lo-... Oh.... Yeah, sorry." He heard some shuffling through the door, and Roman appeared on the other side, a bashful look on his face. "I need to teach him to stop stealing stuff."

"Where's your sash?" Virgil cocked his head to the side, and glanced at the red/gold dragon on top of the bookcase.

"I'm fighting over it with him." He rolled his eyes.

"Well, if you need help with that, try Patton. He's convincing." Virgil took his headphones from Roman, and sighed slightly. "You know I love you, but this has got to stop. I can't keep getting anxious, and not being able to find my headphones. You need to train him."

Roman smiled weakly, "I know. I just... I don't want him to feel like he's being reprimanded for everything."

"I know. You're a good parent with him, but he's not one of us."

"I know."

Virgil smiled and walked down the hallway.


"Ra?" Roman called to his dragon, who had curled up on his desk. "Where is my sash?"

"Ra..." The dragon cocked his head and looked innocent.

"What do you mean? Do you not know?"

"Lo-Gan smarts dragon stoles it."

"Ra, I need my sash."


"You can use it later."

"Vir-Gil Stoles?"

"Ra, hand it over."

"Pa, please."

"Later, I promise."

"Fines." Ra picked up the sash and dropped it in Roman's hand, allowing him to put it on, and sink out to help Thomas.


"Roman!" Logan growled waking into the commons, where Virgil and Roman were cuddling, with an adorable Ra heating them up.

"What happened?" Patton asked, walking into the room.

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