I Noticed... Pt 4 (Analogical/Logicality) {fluff?}

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Really quick, sorry I haven't put many oneshots up, I've been focusing on a new book, (which I've been trying to write daily), called Bands. It's based off the oneshot I did about a week ago, and I have 5 chapters up so far, I'm working on chapters 6 and 7. If you want to read that, then go ahead, that will be updated more than these oneshots at the moment, and when Bands is done, I'll be working on 'Taking Back The Crown' (Analogical) because I want that done too. So, yeah, that's my plan of action for now, and I'll try to get more oneshots out soon. <3

T.W. Cheating?

As soon as Virgil realised what happened, he stepped away, anger dancing in his eyes, and his heart beat rapidly, threatening to burst out of his chest.

"Logan, what the hell?" He fought to keep his voice steady, and he knew it wasn't going to take long before he broke, or someone else was alerted of the situation.

"Am I not allowed to kiss the man I love?" Logan cocked his head to the side, and smiled innocently.

"No! You're not! Because I'm not him. You left me for Patton, you should be kissing Patton, not me!" Virgil gripped the edges if his jacket, feeling his voice raising in volume. He didn't want to shout, but he was almost there.

"But, I love you, I wouldn't leave you?"

The confusion in Logan's voice broke Virgil slightly, and he didn't know what to do. He didn't know what was going on, nor did he want to. He wanted to go to Roman, and have Roman make sure everything was okay, and leave Logan to Patton, but Logan didn't seem to notice that Virgil was uncomfortable.

"Go away." Virgil managed out, and he tried to walk away, only to be stopped by Logan gripping his wrist.

"Please, let me kiss you?"

"No. You may be okay with cheating but I'm not." Virgil's voice was shaky, and before he could do or say anymore, he rushed off to Roman's room, needing the comfort.

His knocks were rapid, and if Roman didn't answer the door within the next few seconds, Virgil's breathing would be too.

Roman pulled him into a hug, Virgil not realising the door had been opened. In his arms, Virgil broke down, and clung onto Roman's sash, trying to stay on his feet.

After twenty minutes, Virgil finally calmed down, and he fiddled with the end of his jacket.

Roman's arm rest around his waist, and he waited patiently for Virgil to talk to him.

"He... He kissed me?" Virgil frowned, and pulled his jacket righter around him. "He kissed me, and had the audacity to say that he loves me and wouldn't leave me. He sounded so... So confused. I nearly broke, and I couldn't. I couldn't do that, not again. I don't get it? He doesn't want to be with me, but he doesn't want me with anyone else? What is wrong with me? Am I that unlovable he had to rub it in my face?"

Virgil's voice was shaky, and he had to take a deep breath to try and keep it steady.

"There is nothing wrong with you, he seems rather messed up at the moment, I don't know why, but something is off, and I don't think we should get involved."

"Is it wrong that I still... Feel strongly towards him?"

"No. You loved him, and with time, you will let that go, and things will be okay."

"I thought I was over him... Then he kissed me, and it all came back. I want to be with him, but..."

"You don't want to be hurt again."

"Yeah, and I'm happy with you. I like you, a lot." Virgil looked to Roman, who smiled sadly at him. "I don't want to be with Logan. I told him that he my be okay with cheating, but I'm not."

Roman smiled, and pulled Virgil closer. "May I kiss you?"

"Please." He nodded, and let Roman close the gap between them. They stayed that way for a while, before Patton came and knocked on the door.

Virgil frowned, and saw Logan behind Patton, and Patton looked angry.

"Logan said you kissed him."

"What? No! I didn't! He kissed me, and I stopped him. I... I wouldn't cheat!"

"It never stopped you before!"

"What are you talking about, Logan was the one to cheat! I never did anything."

"Liar." Patton hissed, and walked away, Logan following.

"What just happened?" Virgil spoke up, glancing at Roman, who looked just as confused.

"I don't know but let's hope this is a weird dream, and we wake up soon enough."


A few months later, everything seemed to have gone back to normal, Patton and Logan were happy together, and even though it was rocky, Virgil and Roman were finally settled as a couple, and they knew nothing could come between them.

718 words

This was a mess. I'm sorry.

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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