Father's Day

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FLUFF because you all deserve it (It's still father's day here, so it counts!)

Patton groaned and rolled onto his side. The clock read 5 am, and he decided, after hours of tossing and turning, that he would get up. Abut an hour prior, he was sure he'd heard someone pad past his door, but he was rather sleep deprived, so he didn't really question it.

He dressed in his usual attire and opened his door, greeted with the smell of pancakes, and eggs. He smiled to himself, and wondered who got up early enough to make breakfast. Normally, he was the one to get up early and make breakfast.

He padded to the kitchen, and smiled when he saw Virgil stood over the stove, a pile of pancakes next to him, and a plate of eggs, recently cooked. "Hey Virge!" Patton smiled, and watched as the youngest side turned around slightly startled.

"Pat! You weren't supposed to be up for a while, and we wanted you to stay in bed, we were going to make it breakfast in bed. For you."


"Logan, Roman, and I. But I was the only one awake, they are still asleep, but I thought I'd let them stay in bed. It's not like they are able to function at 4 am, or even 5 am."

"This is so sweet, can I help in any way?"

"Nope, just sit at the table, and relax. Today is all about you." Virgil smiled, and turned back to the food, before reaching over and putting the kettle on. "Hot chocolate?"

"I'd love some." Patton smiled, and watched as Logan and Roman finally came into the room.

"Virgil! You were supposed to wake us." Roman pouted.

"It's fine. I can do it. You all deserved to rest. I was up almost all night anyway." Virgil dismissed the comment, and focused on the food."

"Wait, you didn't sleep?" Logan frowned, and walked over to Virgil, pulling him into a hug. "What did I say about you not sleeping?"

"I know, I know. I can come to you. I just didn't want to bother you."

Logan frowned deeper, if possible, and wrapped his arms tighter around Virgil's waist. "You couldn't ever bother me. I just want to be there for you."

Patton aw-ed and smiled as he let Roman wrap him in a hug.


After breakfast was served, and they had all eaten, they moved to the commons, and snuggled to watch movies.

The rest of the day passed pretty much the same. Virgil, Roman, and Logan would go out of their way to make sure Patton had all he needed, and made him feel loved.


As Virgil was drifting off in Logan's arms, he mumbled, "Happy Father's day, Pat, I love you. Thank you for everything."

The small comment made Patton beam, and he had never been prouder to call anyone son. "I love you too, Virgil. Thank you for letting me be a Dad. I don't think anyone else would allow it the way you do."

Virgil blushed lightly, and grumbled slightly, but smiled nonetheless, before falling asleep.

"Happy Father's Day, Patton, you mean a lot to us all. In different ways, of course, but you mean a lot to us. Thank you."

Patton smiled, and he felt as though his cheeks could break. "I love you all, and you didn't have to do any of this today."

"It was Virgil's idea, but don't let him know you know, he would deny it." Roman smiled, and pulled Patton closer. "You mean everything to us, and nothing will change that."

Patton smiled, and as he drifted off, he knew life was always better with his family.

603 words

So, I had a weird moment. I have them a lot, but yeah. Enjoy my weird thoughts, and quotes that I'm sure will haunt me for the rest of my life. Please don't make them a thing.

"I want the gay one, because you always need a bit of gay in your life." - Jordan 2018
"I wonder what I'll be like when I'm a dad." - Jordan 2018
First of all, I don't even think that's right, I'd be a mum more than anything and Second, just why?

Also, enjoy this: (It was saved as "WHY" in my computer because I question myself too much :))

Also, enjoy this: (It was saved as "WHY" in my computer because I question myself too much :))

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Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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