Compliments (Analogical)

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I have so many drafts, and I cannot get through them all before I get another idea. Ugh, why?

My throat is hurting so baddddddddd :(

Also, have some cute Analogical because why not?

Logan: Hello Beautiful. *Kisses Virgil's cheek.*

Virgil: *Blushes* 'm not beautiful.

Logan: *frowns* Of course you are.

Virgil: whatever *mutters*

Logan: Why do you always dismiss my compliments?

Virgil: I'm scared you're lying to me, and that you don't really care. I've been lied to before. I'm trying to protect myself.

Logan: Why would I lie to you. You know how illogical lying is, correct?

Virgil: Yeah, but I still think you are.

Logan: Well I am not, and I love you more than anything.

Virgil: I thought Roman was the extra one.

Logan: He is. What did I do?

Virgil: You must love something more than me.

Logan: It would be impossible for me to. *Presses a kiss to Virgil's lips, before moving to snuggle with him* I love you, Virgil.

Virgil: I love you too. But you know you'll have to reassure me countless times of so many things before I even come close to believing you?

Logan: I know. But I'm patient.

Virgil: Good.

Logan: Goodnight, love.

Virgil: Goodnight.

172 words

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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