My Words & Your Thoughts Au (Logicality)

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Patton sighed and looked at his wrist. They said everyone had a soulmate. Yet his never seemed to show up. He'd write on his wrists, draw them pictures, and tried to get them to notice him, but they never did. He wanted to give up. He sighed and drew another small dog on his wrist, another small thing that he'd wanted his soulmate to notice, yet they never did. He wrote some quotes and happy faces, but he still got nothing.


Logan looked at his wrist. He knew he ought to pay attention to his soulmate, try to get to know them, and even meet them, but it was nerve-wracking to him, it scared him. What if his soulmate didn't like him? What if he wasn't good enough? He saw another smiley face appear, and he smiled a small smile. I do notice you. Thank you for the pictures. He glanced across the room, and his eyes settled on a fellow student who, he'd noticed, would draw on his arm, and sigh when he didn't get something back. He'd seen it happen for a while, and he felt bad for him. He wasn't sure who the students soulmate was, but no one deserved that. He knew it was hypocritical, but he couldn't help it. Fear got the better of him, despite how illogical it was.


Patton gasped slightly as he felt a mild burning on his skin. "I'm sorry." The words struck confusion into him, and he looked around the room, his eyes landed on the smarter student, Logan. Patton had been crushing on Logan for quite some time, and he couldn't help it. He knew it was foolish, especially since he had his soulmate to find. But he didn't want to be alone. He wanted to figure out who his soulmate was and why they were sorry. "Why?" He wrote on his wrist, beneath the only two words his soulmate had written to him. "I'm a bad soulmate." Patton kept his eyes on Logan, and the more he thought about it, the more it made sense. Logan was a reserved character in school, and he would always stay quiet, even though he was smart, he'd rarely voluntarily speak up, and he always sat alone at lunch. He seemed cautious of people, and it would make sense if he was Patton's soulmate.


"It's okay! Don't apologise." Logan looked at his wrist, and looked back at the things he'd written to his soulmate. It's now or never he though to himself as he pressed the pen to his skin once more. "Who are you?"


Patton smiled and walked over to Logan, the hell had rung a short while ago, and neither male had made any move to leave the classroom. As Patton made his way to Logan, he could vaguely make out similar shapes on his arm, compared to his own. As he got closer, he could see they were identical. "It's me." Patton spoke, causing Logan to jump in his seat and spin around. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you."

"It is quite alright. My apologies, what did you say?" Logan asked, causing Patton's stomach to flip.

"I said, it's me." Patton lifted his arm for Logan to see, and when he did, an audible gasp escaped Logan's lips.

"I-I am sorry. I must go." Logan stuttered our, and Patton stood watching him run off.


Logan rushed from the classroom, he couldn't help it. His heart lurched when he realised Patton was his soulmate. He knew Patton was a great guy, and he'd known Patton for a while. Yet the idea of having Patton as a soulmate scared him more than the idea of having anyone else.

"I don't know Virgil! Patton just said he came this way." A voice echoed around the bathroom, and Logan curled into the back of the stall further. He'd run to the bathroom, and locked himself in one of the stalls, he hadn't realised Patton was going to send people after him. He pulled out a pen, and etched two words into his skin. "I'm sorry." He couldn't help but apologise for all he'd down.

"Patton cares about him, I get that, but maybe we should let him have his space?" The second voice spoke, Logan guessed it was Virgil, who the first voice referred to.

He looked at his skin. "Are you okay?"

"No." He wrote back.

"But it's true love. Destiny. Fate! Dear Virgil, our Patton is in love!" He could hear the other person roll his eyes, and to save himself from listening to anymore, he unlocked the stall and stepped out. "I did not mean to hurt him." He spoke, gaining the attention of the two other males, who he recognised to be Roman and Virgil, the gay "power couple" of the school. They were the first two people to figure out they were soulmates, and the only two to be openly gay. "You didn't hurt him, just shocked him slightly. He cares about you, a lot actually, and he always talks about you!" Virgil slapped Roman on the back of his head. "Ow." Roman muttered.

"Patrons concerned about you." Virgil spoke to Logan.

"I apologise."

"Why?" Roman interjected.

"I did not mean to..." Logan looked down and didn't notice the bathroom door opening.


Patton walked into the bathroom, his eyes immediately landing on Logan. "I did not mean to..." Patton's heart ached for the other male. It was evident that he was struggling.

"It's okay." He spoke up, gaining the attention of the other three. Roman and Virgil took this as an indication to leave, so they did.

Patton looked at the male across the room from him, and took a step closer. "I am sorry."

"Stop apologising. I know this can be scary. But it's okay." Patton sent his soulmate a small smile, he hoped to help Logan a little, maybe just get him to feel that bit more confident.

"No. I am a bad soulmate."

"You're not." Patton stepped closer again, and continued to do so, until he was close to Logan. "You're not a bad soulmate. You're just scared. It's okay. I'm here and I'll stay. I'll let you take it at whatever pace you need."

Patton watched Logan's fear filled brown eyes glance away, he knew the male in front of him was scared, so was he, but he wanted to help. He wanted to be with Logan.


Logan looked back at Patton, and with a sudden burst of confidence, from who knows where, he kissed the male in front of him. Their lips connected and sent off sparks, it was wonderous. Better than either could have imagined.

They remained that way until they needed to breathe, and when they parted they looked into one another's eyes. "I..." Logan started, but was soon cut off by Patton pressing his lips against his.

They were broken apart by the bathroom door opening. "You guys have been here for ever! Hurry up already. We need to eat!"

"You just ate dumbass..." Virgil told his boyfriend.

"I'm hungry." Roman told Virgil adamantly.

Patton laughed, and took slogans hand, pulling him along with his friends, the four planning on having a small dinner together, just to get to know each other better.

1217 words

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