Silence (Platonic Moxiety)

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T.W. 'Suicide' Not eating and Hurting oneself.

Virgil sat in silence on his bed. He hadn't left his room in a week, and he was starting to get worse. His stomach had receded in. His eyes had become more lifeless, and he had been suffering from stronger attacks. He wasn't sleeping, and he was feeling worse, generally.

He wrote a note and put it outside his door, and shut it for the last time.

He made his way to the Forgotten Area, knowing that someone would find him before he was able to step inside.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Patton's voice rang out behind him, hurt laced through each syllable.

"I did. I told you when the bags under my eyes got darker. I told you when the scars on my wrists grew newer. I told you when I skipped out on more meals than ever. I told you when I stayed in my room for longer. When my hair got messier. When my eyes got redder. When my sleeves got longer. When my clothes got baggier. When my attacks got longer. I told you. But that's the thing, you didn't notice. I was screaming for help and you didn't notice. And you have no one but yourself to blame." 

"But, I thought you were fine."

"You avoided my eyes, where the true emotion lay, and believed my lies. You never pushed, I never ate, I stayed alone, knowing that it would be stupid to get attached. I told you I was fine, I lied. I wasn't fine, I've never been fine, but it's okay. Because it's over now."

"What, no!" Patton looked at Virgil with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry Patton, but this time, you're too late." 

Virgil sent him a small weak smile and stepped through the door he was stood by.

"I love you, Dad. I'm sorry you were the one to find me." Virgil looked away from Patton, and closed the door, knowing he would be forgotten by Thomas, but not by Patton.

333 words (Short and angsty. Like me)

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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